Ephesians 2: A New State in Christ
1. The relationship with God is restored (2:1-10)
Continuing from yesterday, let us look a little deeper into God’s blessing. First of all, it is a restored relationship with God.
Paul says that the man was spiritually dead. People respond well to earthly money, but they are totally unresponsive to God. This is not because they are spiritually sick, but because they are dead. No wonder people cannot believe in God. It is also understandable that the visible world on earth is everything to people. In this way, people can be driven by the movements of society and live their lives as if they were being swept along by the greatest currents of society, even though they vary in degree from person to person.
Paul says that this is a life driven by immediate concerns and selfishness (v.2). As a result, man was born without a heart for God, unable to avoid the curse and wrath of the God who created him (v. 3).
But despite this disrespect for God, God is kind to man. God still loves the human race that He created, and He wanted to restore that relationship. And to do this, He took a drastic action. That was the event of the cross 2,000 years ago (v.4). It was an attempt to make us aware of God’s love and to restore our relationship with God (v.5). It was an attempt to restore our closeness to God to the point where we were willing to call Him our friend (v. 6).
Becoming a Christian does not mean becoming a good person. Such an outcome may follow, but the first step is to be restored to a relationship with God, to be loved by God, and to realize that we are heirs of His blessings. This means that people do not need exorcisms or prayers for blessings. 2.
2. Relationship with man is restored (2:11-22)
When the relationship with God is restored in this way, the relationship with man will also be restored. Until now, what people have believed in are idols made of stone and wood, not the true God. They have been at each other’s throats with their own religions.
But when we are made aware of the existence of the invisible and true God through the cross of Jesus (verse 13), Jews and gentiles, that is, the entire human race, will be united in one mind under that God. Chinese, Americans, Japanese and all other people will become the same children of God, His family and relatives, not enemies, created by the true God. When we stand on this fact, we can realize true peace (v.16).
Does it sound as if it is not so simple? It certainly is. Isn’t Christianity strange in some ways? Yes, it is. The church in Corinth was a good example. There are some nations that argue with each other about the Christian God. But as Paul pointed out to the Corinthians, Christians are not all alike. The peace of the church is also disturbed when people stray from the knowledge of the true God. Those who have the Christian faith are not the same as those who walk with the true God.
Therefore, Paul says that the church that is taught about the true God must begin by restoring its relationship with God. Be rooted firmly in the mind of Christ (v. 22). Live in the heart of the true God and build up the church that is loved by God. This is the starting point for the restoration of human relationships and world peace.
The Word of God is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.