【シーズン6】エペソ人への手紙4章 教理から実践へ【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

  1. 4章への流れ














Ephesians 4: From Doctrine to Practice

1. flow to chapter 4

The first three chapters of Ephesians are doctrinal. Their central theme was the unseen, spiritual blessings of God brought about by Christ. It restores our relationship with God, makes His grace ours, and also brings peace and abundance to our relationships and to the world. It is a blessing that fills every corner of our minds and bodies with God’s love and peace. When our eyes are opened to this fact, we will be more free from the struggles of this world for money, status, and honor. There is no real happiness there.

But this blessing does not come with money or through hard work. You simply have to admit that you are spiritually bankrupt and seek God’s mercy by being obedient to Him. A rich man once said, “A rich man is a man of money. A rich man once said, “Rich people can only fool themselves with money. But they can’t get out of it. They know it, but they can’t let go. But if you really want to be saved, you must turn to the Lord first. Things can come later.

2. Unite in faith in the one true God (4:1-6)

And for those who understand and cling to the Lord’s grace in this way, the practical message of chapter 4 will be well understood. Paul encourages such people to first maintain unity with one another.

To do this, we must first be of one mind. Belief in the one true God, who is the only one in all things, and faith and baptism or confession of faith are the same, and they are in agreement.

It may be said that Christianity treats other religions as evil religions and rejects them, but there is only one true God in the world. We must get rid of primitive beliefs, such as considering a god made of stone or wood to be a god, or being afraid of mountains, oceans, rivers, and other things created by God.

2. a worker who promotes unity in diversity (4:7-16)

Second, while we believe in the one true God, we must recognize diversity in the way we believe. One in confessing faith in Christ as Lord. One in acknowledging the one true God. One in making the Bible, the Word of God, the standard of faith. But we recognize a diversity of cultures in our beliefs, expressions of worship, and activities. We recognize the diversity of all styles, whether it is a traditional style church or a contemporary style church with a lot of gospel music.

Paul says that different workers have been used by God to complete a church that is united in such diversity. As we learned in 1 Corinthians, the church is an assembly of saved sinners. It is imperfect in many ways, and discord and worldliness can easily occur in the church. Each person needs a worker who is spiritually nurtured and prepared to complete the church as a place of God’s grace. Of course, the workers, pastors and evangelists who are appointed for this purpose are also those who are in the process of being perfected.

3. Be Prepared as Believers (4:17-32)

Beginning in verse 17, Paul encourages us to actively and diligently seek to be equipped as workers of God and as believers. Do not fall back into the old life when you did not believe in God. Since we know the true and righteous God, let us put away falsehood and walk in love with the truth. Since we believe in a gracious God who created heaven and earth and all things, let us not steal from others but give to others. Since we believe in a God of love who sacrificed Himself on our cross, let us love and not be angry, hateful, or venomous toward others. When you are sad, turn to God and be filled with His peace. This is the spiritual blessing by God’s grace that cannot be obtained by money or effort.

Having faith is not the end. Having faith is the beginning. Let us continue to read the Bible and go forward together.

God’s word is true. God bless you and I will see you.


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