Pastor Makoto’s Bible Reading a Chapter a Day. God’s Word is truth. It is a life-changing word. Today is Christmas, and following yesterday’s message, I will give a special message about Jesus Christ.
The Chinese character for “gold” was chosen to symbolize this year. One reason for this is the gold medal in sports. The Olympic and Paralympic Games were held, many athletes won gold medals, and many inspiring moments were created. In addition, the price of gold rose, attracting attention from an economic standpoint as well. Together with other factors, the word of the year is “gold. However, while it was a year of such pomp and circumstance, it was also a year of heartbreaking conflicts: the Israeli-Hamas war, the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, and other conflicts in Afghanistan and Myanmar, among others.
What on earth is causing these wars? As a young man, I majored in international politics in college. There was a time when I sympathized with the idealistic political scientist Takehiko Kamo, who passed away a long time ago, when he said, “The problem is the distortion of the lens through which politicians and leaders see things. However, as a pastor, I now believe that unless the distortion in the minds of not only politicians but also each and every one of us is corrected, that is, unless we learn to overcome the propensity in our minds to love conflict and to be prone to it, there will be no more conflict in the world.
Toyohiko Kagawa, a social activist of the Showa period, said, “World peace begins in the kitchen. In other words, it is a matter of how mothers educate their children about peace. She said that it starts by making her children understand that they have the nature of sinners who easily fight with others, and by raising them to be respectful, to see both God and people, and to care for others.
Today is Christmas. All over the world, the Nativity of Jesus is celebrated. And the joy of the Nativity of Jesus is precisely related to the resolution of our contentious nature. In fact, Jesus came into the world for a purpose: to give new life to our sinful nature.
As I mentioned yesterday, Jesus is God, the One who rules over all things, including time, space, human life, and death. Paul, who believed in him, said: “If anyone is in Christ, he is in Christ. Paul, who believed in him, said, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:15).”
Jesus was flogged, crucified, and killed. It was a sad event, but it was not the end. Three days later, Jesus was resurrected. And we are told that His resurrection life works in us as well. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul summarizes the significance of believing in Jesus’ resurrection. First, our salvation is secure. We can be sure that God hears our prayers. And if death is not the end of man, we can believe that there will be a reward for our labors. And we can give hope to the various stalemates in our families, workplaces, churches, and societies. We can hope in the power of the resurrection. And finally, the significance of believing in the resurrection of Jesus is that after we die, we will receive resurrection life.
Perhaps we can live better lives if we affirm Jesus’ resurrection rather than deny it.
So, if we can honestly look into our hearts and realize that we are sinners, I urge you to listen to the voice of Jesus who suffered on the cross for us. You have a Jesus who tells you that your sins have been forgiven through the sacrifice of my cross, and that from now on you will receive the power of God’s resurrection and live a new life. If you accept Jesus’ forgiveness of sins, you will have the peace of God in your heart. And your new life will begin. The blessings will spread to those around you, your family, friends, and acquaintances.
If you are already a Christian and have been in the faith for many years, but you feel that you have never repented in this way, repent now and step out into a new life. Jesus was born for your blessing, for the peace that begins with you and happens through you, in your family, at work, and in society.
The Word of God is true. May God bless you this Christmas. In addition, on New Year’s Day, January 1, we will begin reading through the Old Testament from the book of Genesis. If you would like to take this opportunity to try reading through the Bible again, please join us. See you tomorrow on this channel.