【シーズン6】コリント人への手紙第二1章 宣教の前線へ再び【聖書】人生100倍の祝福












Second Corinthians Chapter 1: Back to the Front Lines of Mission

1. Four letters

Paul wrote four letters to the church at Corinth. This letter we are going to read today is labeled as the second, but it is believed that it was actually the fourth letter written. In other words, what we can read today through the book called the Bible is two of these letters, and what we read as the first is actually the second. In other words, the first and third letters are considered lost and unreadable.

However, the two letters that we would like to read if they were there are generally called the first letter, which is called the “severe letter,” and then the “letter of tears,” which was written just after he had the worst relationship with the Corinthian church and broke down.

Anyway, today we are going to read the fourth letter, or the second letter, written to the Corinthian church, which was reconciled with Paul, accepted Paul’s words, and tried to start the church’s walk again.

2. Comfort in tribulation (1:1-15)

The first thing Paul begins to write there is to share a thought: from verse 3 to verse 7, the word comfort appears repeatedly. Comfort is not just temporary comfort, but comfort to endure the unbearable times. What is Paul trying to say? Is he trying to say that the bitter conflict with the Corinthian church resulted in reconciliation and comfort? Not so.

Paul begins to speak of comfort for a very intense trial that happened to the churches in Asia (vv. 8, 9). Although not specifically mentioned, it may be the imprisonment in Ephesus (1 Corinthians 15:32) and the riot in the temple of Artemis while Paul was forced to deal with the Corinthian church in conflict with them. While the Corinthian church was focused on internal strife, outside the church there was violent persecution of Christians. You may want us to be concerned about the religious oppression that took place across the sea, in the region now called Turkey. The same may be true today.  

Christians living in Japan may be completely indifferent to the situation of Christians being held as political and ideological prisoners, oppressed and tormented by the state.

At that time, the Christian Church was separating from Judaism. In the process, there were battles in which they were treated as heretics by the Jewish faith and also by the Roman Empire, which was suspicious of them as a new religious force and oppressed them. Therefore, Paul asks them to pray sincerely for them and that they would be sustained by the comfort of the Lord.

3.Reason for Delaying His Visit to Corinth (1:15-24)

Now, beginning in verse 15, Paul begins to talk about the reason for delaying his visit to Corinth. Perhaps there were those who accused Paul of being a man of talk, a man of duplicity. The problem may seem to have been solved, but in reality the fire remains. So Paul reiterates that he is not such a man, but rather that the reason he said he would go but didn’t was simply because he thought it would be the best time for both parties (v.23). Surely he would have wanted to avoid visiting at an emotional time and entering into a harsh tone of contention. Paul’s concern was not to dominate the church in Corinth, but to restore it to health. He wanted to share his thoughts and feelings in Christ. Paul wanted to be with the Corinthian church and tell them that in Christ is the hope for mankind.

So, God bless you, and please come and listen to the message in person when you come to Futakotamagawa, Setagaya. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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