【シーズン6】コリント人への手紙第二11章 大人気のない自己弁明【聖書】人生100倍の祝福












2 Corinthians 11: Unpopular self-blame

1. Another Gospel (11:1-6)

This is a continuation of yesterday’s passage, which is Paul’s controversial self-explanation. There were those in the church at Corinth who would say, verse 4, that their interpretation of the Bible was much better than Paul’s. Paul called them “apostles” or “false apostles” and “deceitful workers” (v.15).

Their gospel spoke of the power and glory of God, but not of Christ crucified. It was indeed a different gospel. Paul sympathises with the Corinthian church for having to listen patiently to such lame teaching. He says that we should not put up with such things, but rather be aware of what is wrong.

2. Don’t criticise lightly (11:7-15)

Paul then responds to some of the criticisms that have been directed at him.

First, Paul responds to the criticism of his speaking style by saying, “I may not be as eloquent as you, but I will not be outdone in what I say” (v.6). He says that he is not like the false teachers who talk about things they don’t understand.

He then responds to the criticism of the Corinthian church for not accepting rewards. The Corinthian church wanted to give Paul his due, but he would not accept it. So some suspected that perhaps Paul’s teaching was not worth listening to, as some had criticised (v.7). Or some thought that he really did not want to accept the gifts because he did not like the Corinthian church people (v.11).

So Paul says in verse 8, I have received enough from other churches, so I don’t need to receive any more. He also says in verse 9 that he does not want to burden you. Paul did not want to put himself in the same category as those who greedily seek rewards for their work (v.12). He responded because he thought that what he was saying was different from what they were saying, that they were false apostles, deceitful workers.

3. the suffering servant of Christ (11:16-33)

Paul then boasts about his background and his missionary efforts. There is something blatant and comical about this. In fact, Paul himself knows that it is foolish to speak in this way, but he dares to speak (v.17). He says that he is a true, non-Greek Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, who did not grow up in Jerusalem, but who speaks Hebrew well (v. 22). He also claims to be a suffering servant of Christ (vv. 23-27). An important point. Many people claim to be Christians, but few claim to be believers who share in the suffering of Christ. In other words, they say that they do not just live as Christians, but that they are those who live in Christ’s suffering, that is, in Christ’s love of the cross, and they cherish it. If we are to follow in the footsteps of Christ, to humble ourselves, to share the excellence of the love of the cross of Christ, if we are to have the Christian faith, we should enter into that realm.

The Word of God is true. So, blessings to you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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