【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録 新しい歌【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

ヨハネの黙示録14章 新しい歌
Revelation Chapter 14: A New Song

  1. Warriors and Martyrs Sing a New Song (14:1-5)
    Verse 1 says, “And I saw.” This word changes the scene. Again, the focus shifts from the earth to the 144,000 in heaven. They had “the name of the Lamb and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. This expression contrasts with those under the control of the beast who “received the mark of the beast” on their foreheads in verse 9 and chapter 13. It means that there is no need to think of them literally having a mark on their foreheads in a dramatic way. It is an expression that clearly shows that they are different. The number 144,000 is the square of 12 plus the cube of the perfect number 10, which is not a literal number of 144,000, but a symbolic number that means a limited number of people.
    They sing a special new song to God. What song is it? It is the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb, which we will talk about tomorrow in chapter 15. It praises God’s redemption and His righteous judgment that is about to be revealed.
    It is interesting to note that verse 4 lists “virginity” as a qualification for the singers of the song. Again, this is to be understood symbolically, not literally. In the Old Testament, the sin of idolatry was often compared to sexual immorality and adultery. So these people were “virgins” in the sense that they had never been involved in idolatry. In fact, when it says, “The Lamb follows them wherever he goes,” it refers to those who are faithful to the Savior Jesus. Now that they have finished their battle of faith on earth, they have triumphantly returned to heaven and are standing before God on Mount Zion (3).

As I mentioned earlier, the book of Revelation portrays Jesus and Christians in two images: as a warrior and as a martyr. For example, in 5:4-6, Jesus is spoken of as a warrior, “the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,” and also as a martyr, “the Lamb that was slain. Similarly, in chapter 14, Christians who have returned to heaven in triumph and who stand before God are images of warriors. On the other hand, “they follow the Lamb wherever he goes” is a picture of martyrs. Verse 5, “No deceit was found in their mouths, for they are without blemish,” does not simply say that Christians are righteous. At that time, the Jews prepared animals without blemishes as offerings for the temple. In other words, this is also a picture of martyrs.

  1. Understanding the Relationship to the Main Story (14:6-20)
    Now, in verse 6, “another angel” is described as preaching the gospel of salvation to the whole world in the midst of a difficult situation. Furthermore, in verse 8, “another angel” announces the fall of Babylon. This Babylon is not a literal place name, but symbolizes the glorious urban civilization represented by Rome. And the third angel encourages us to avoid idolatry and to exercise patience in order to be faithful to God. In fact, he declares that blessed are those who persevere in their faith and face death (verse 13). From verse 14 on, the parable of the weeds that Jesus spoke in the Gospels (Matthew 13:24-30) is itself spoken of, and the time of the harvest, when the weeds will be separated from the good wheat, and the time of the final judgment is coming. Blessed will be those who are sifted out at that time.
    By the way, I said earlier that in the dramatization, the story of the sealing in chapters 6 and 7 is the preview. In the main story, the story of the trumpets in chapters 8 through 15 and the story of the vials of wrath in chapter 16 are the end of the retrospective. Today’s chapter 14 and tomorrow’s chapter 15 go into more detail about the part of chapter 7 that was only briefly shown in the preview. In chapter 7, the warriors of faith who returned to heaven in triumph were lined up before God and returned to their families and a new normal. In chapter 14, the movie is rewound to the scene in chapter 7 where they lined up before God, played in slow motion, and we see in detail the moment when they were worshiping, but suddenly they were singing the victory song of Moses and the Lamb. We see the emotion of their return and the blessing of their labor being richly rewarded.
    So what do you think? If we believe that somewhere in life the accounts will be balanced, we can bear the absurdity of today’s life. In modern society, the gap between the haves and have-nots, the wealth gap, as it were, is growing wider and wider, and those who are forced to live an undesirable life seem to be forgotten and disappear into the gaps of society. Yet! God says this is not the case. Even if we are forced to live such a life, God will balance the accounts. Even if you suffer for your faith, you may even be persecuted and lose your life. But it will not end there. Those who oppose God will surely receive severe judgment (verses 10-11). And you who trust in God will sing a song of victory and the righteousness of God in the heaven to come. Don’t give up on life. God’s word is true. May God bless you. See you again tomorrow on this channel.


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