【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録9章 主の解放、償い【聖書】人生100倍の祝福


  1. The devouring locusts (9:1-11)
     The fifth trumpet is sounded. A star falls from the sky. It opens a hole that leads to the bottomless pit. Then smoke and locusts came out of the hole. The locusts were said to resemble horses ready for battle. On his head he wore a crown of gold, his face was like a human face, with hair like a woman’s, teeth like a lion’s, and a breastplate of iron. Then he says that the messenger of the bottomless pit is the king. In other words, he conjures up the image of a horde of something that is controlled. Its name is Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. Both words mean destruction. In fact, they have the power of scorpions, and they devour people. But they are limited to five months (verse 5). It is a limited time, but it is spoken of as a terrible thing that cannot die, even if you want to die because of the suffering (v.6).
     What is this, you may ask, but let’s start with the Jewish intellectual premise. The ancient Jews believed that there was a bottomless pit where the dead and evil spirits lived. Therefore, the locusts that come out of the bottomless pit can be thought of as threatening to people like evil spirits. Locusts are also used in a symbolic sense in the Old Testament. For example, the book of Joel was written at a time when crops were being damaged by locust swarms, famine was occurring, and people were suffering, and locusts were used as a symbol of the Assyrian army that was plundering Israel (Joel 1:1-5). So again, this description is not of a literal appearance of a scary monster. It speaks of the intensity of plunder and carnage caused by natural disasters and invasions that have recurred throughout history.
    What is remarkable is the people who were affected by these locusts. It was those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads, those who did not believe in God and persecuted Christians. You may wonder for a moment, “Why?” You may ask, but this is a reversal of history: the persecutor becomes the persecuted. Japan, which forced Asian peoples to worship at the Miyagi Shrine, serve as comfort women, and perform hard labor during World War II, and Germany, which promoted ethnic cleansing, have been severely called upon to make amends for their actions after the war. It is not impossible.
  2. Recalling the Message of the Book of Joel (9:12-21)
     It should be noted that this repetition of the article on the plagues accompanying the seals, followed by a more detailed article on the plagues accompanying the trumpets, is not just a redundant repetition of the same thing. In the previous eight chapters, John had borrowed the image of the Exodus to describe in detail the plagues that would befall the earth. Without a knowledge of the Old Testament, this would seem to be something to fear. But if you are familiar with the Bible, you can recall from this article the essential message of the Exodus. That is, God responded to the cry of Israel, who was suffering from enslavement, and the message is that God’s deliverance is near.
     Likewise, this fifth plague of trumpets will also recall the prophecy of the book of Joel, if one has a knowledge of the Old Testament. Joel says I will make restitution to you for the locusts and grasshoppers and their young, and for the locusts that bite, and for the years that the great hosts that I have sent among you have devoured. You shall eat and be satisfied, and you shall praise the name of the LORD your God. For the Lord will do wonders for you. My people shall see no shame forever. (Joel 2:25-26) In other words, the Lord is telling us that He will make amends for our suffering and restore our prosperity.
    In chapter 6, the martyrs cried out because they could no longer stand the conditions on earth, where living right is never rewarded, where loving is never rewarded, and where it seems to be a futile death. In response, God tells them in chapter 8 that the promised exodus is at hand. And in chapter 9, God’s response is not only to free them from persecution, but also to atone for the suffering of the martyrs.
     In the second half of chapter 9, we are told that as a result of the sounding of the sixth trumpet, four angels will be released and one-third of the human race will die. This corresponds to the one-third of the effects of the works on the earthly creatures in chapter 8. The plagues of God’s vengeance have finally begun. Yet, in spite of all this, man stubbornly refuses to acknowledge God and repent before Him. This reminds us of the stubbornness and foolishness of the human heart. The Word of God is true. May God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel. 


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