【シーズン6】ローマ人への手紙11章 ユダヤ人とユダヤ人でない者の救い【聖書】人生100倍の祝福












Romans 11: The Salvation of Jews and Gentiles

1. The Jews Will Not Be Forsaken (11:1-12)

In chapter 9, Paul reflects on the Jews as God’s chosen people. Then, in chapter 10, he explains the historical background of the Jews’ rejection of the gospel in spite of their election, but that such unbelief was not new. Then, in this 11th chapter, he talks about the Jews being restored in the future. In other words, he says that God is faithful to the Jews and still has his eye on them and will complete their salvation regardless of their condition (v. 4).

As proof, Paul gives the example of the Old Testament prophet Elijah (v. 3). In Elijah’s day, Israel was spiritually corrupt and no one was willing to listen to the Word of God. When Elijah became discouraged that he could no longer speak God’s Word, God encouraged him by telling him that he was not ready to give up yet, that there were still 7,000 men who would stand by your side (1 Kings 19:18). In the same way, he says that even if the Jews today do not listen to the Gospel, there is still potential. This is because salvation is grace. It is not an effort on the part of man, but on the part of God. Even in the midst of a world that has come to this, there is hope because God is merciful.

Therefore, even though it may seem that the Jewish people are temporarily forsaken by God at this time, this does not mean that they are truly forsaken. For God’s plan of salvation extends to gentiles as well. And he says that this will cause envy among the Jews, so that they will earnestly seek God (v. 11). In other words, a synergistic effect is expected.

2. The Olive Tree Grafted (12:13-36)

Paul then says to the Gentile Christians, “God has not given up on the Jews, and you must not look down on their faith. Perhaps this was due to the fact that Christians in the Roman church had a low view of Jewish Christians.

Paul talks about the Jewish view and gives two examples. One is in verse 16, the example of the kneaded flour. This is from Numbers 15:17-21. The harvested wheat is made into kneaded flour and a portion of it is offered to God, an act equivalent to offering all the kneaded flour to God. In other words, he is saying that if Abraham, the father of Israel, was accepted by God, then there is no doubt that his descendants would also be accepted.

And the parable of the olive tree (vv. 16-24). The olive tree is a symbol of the Jewish people. Now the Jews are branches cut off from the olive tree, and gentiles are grafted in their place, he says. But the “grafting” is “against the nature” of the tree (v.24). The reason for this is that grafting usually involves a cultivated branch being grafted into a wild tree in order to make it bear better fruit. It is not the other way around. In other words, there is nothing for the Gentiles to boast about.

But such measures are also taken “until the time of the fullness of the Gentiles” (v. 25). Once the Gentiles are sufficiently saved, it will be the Jews’ turn again. God’s plan for Israel will never change (v. 29), and thus all mankind will be brought into His salvation.

3. the significance of the digression in chapters 9-11

Let us now turn our attention. This discussion of the Jews in chapters 9-11 actually speaks to the certainty of man’s salvation that was already spoken of in chapters 1-8. In other words, Paul is saying that if the stubborn Jews will never be forsaken by God, then no man will ever be forsaken by God. You Romans who have believed, your salvation is assured. Even if you stray from the faith, from the Church, God will not change His promise to you. God’s mercy is yours forever, he says, using the example of the Jews to speak of the certainty of the believer’s salvation.


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