Romans 15: The Christian’s Practice of Loving Care
1. Maturity of Faith and the Example of Christ (1:1-13)
Faith requires maturity. And as we mature in faith, we are freed from superstitious beliefs. At the same time, however, the mature believer is aware of and concerned for the hearts of the weak in faith and does not impose what he or she believes. They have also learned to limit their religious freedom. Paul begins by saying that his model is Christ. Christ was a man who was more concerned with the spiritual growth of each person than with pleasing himself.
The key to maturity in the faith is to be firmly grounded in the Word of God (v. 4). In fact, the Bible offers us patience, encouragement, and hope. While discussion is important when relationships are difficult, the best solution is for each person to deal with the Word of God first and foremost.
The first crisis that disrupted the unity of the early church was caused by the apostles being too busy to devote themselves to the Word and prayer (Ac 6:1-7). They could not adequately nourish themselves with the Word. Therefore, in times of discord and conflict, if we focus on the Word and prayer and are nourished with a heart of deep love for God, we will regain unity in the Lord and achieve results that bring glory to God.
It was clearly prophesied in Old Testament times that Gentiles would be blessed by the gospel (v. 9). Paul carefully proves this by quoting from the Old Testament law (v. 10; Deuteronomy 32:43), the Psalms (v. 9; Psalm 18:49, 11; 117:1), and the prophetic books (v. 12; Isaiah 11:1). It is important to note that maturity in faith aims to make both Gentiles and Jews into one family of God. Accepting one another and being filled together with joy, peace, faith and hope from heaven will bear the fruit of unity in prayer. This is the completion of the Church.
2. personal statement (15:14-33)
Now, from verse 14 on, the second half of chapter 15 is a personal statement of Paul’s thoughts. But its content is important. Paul has been a missionary to the Gentiles for almost 20 years. At first, Paul wanted to persecute and destroy the church. But God had mercy on him, and Paul became an apostle and a servant of Christ. And now he has preached the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum (northwestern Greece). In the major cities along the highways of Galatia, Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Achaia, churches were planted one after another through Paul’s ministry. But Paul is no simple expansionist. Paul believed that no matter how much his ministry expanded, the essence of his ministry was to “fulfill the ministry of a priest” (v. 16). In other words, the purpose of his ministry was not to increase the number and size of congregations and churches, but to prepare each saved person for a solid relationship with God.
Paul then speaks of the offerings of the Gentiles to the Jews as a sign of their participation in Gentile missions and the nurturing of the Gentile faith (25-33). Paul and his co-workers had given a special gift from the Gentile church in Greece to the Jewish church in Jerusalem (2Co 8-9). It was a form of Gentile love for their Jewish brethren. At a time when the poor Jewish believers felt the greatest need, the Gentile believers reached out to help, overcoming ethnic barriers. It was an event that testified to the fact that the Church is a gathering of servants of Jesus and those who stand for the teachings of love. In fact, this is something that each one of us cannot do without a heart that is easy to fight, a heart that is bitter and indifferent, a heart that has been prepared by the Word of God and that stands for the love of Christ. And the work of the missionaries who are aware of this must also be recognized and prayed for.