【シーズン6】使徒の働き24章 フェリクスの裁判【聖書】人生100倍の祝福









Acts 24: The trial of Felix

1 The Trial of Felix (24:1-21)

As Paul was being escorted to Caesarea, the high priest Ananias, several elders, and a group of lawyers named Tertillo came to accuse Paul. Tertillo sues Paul and says Paul was “like a plague,” a pestilence that needed to be eradicated. In fact, he says, Paul was the leader of the Nazarenes, who had arrested him for causing a disturbance among the Jews and trying to defile the temple. They must have been very vengeful, and their Christian influence must have been very strong. If we accept the notes of the New International Version as the text, Tertullo seems to be explaining that Lysias, the captain of the thousand, had exercised a poor sense of justice, causing even more trouble and even getting Felix into trouble.

So Felix, the governor, also listens to Paul’s argument (v.10). Paul responds. First, Paul says that he has only been in Jerusalem for 12 days and that there is no evidence that he has disturbed the crowds or the social order (vv. 11-13). Paul also said that although they called themselves a splinter group, they were not that different from their Old Testament beliefs (vv. 14-16). He also says that it is not true that they defiled the temple (vv. 17-18).

Paul then explains his purpose for coming to Jerusalem. He needed to deliver to the Jerusalem church the large number of offerings he had collected from the churches he had planted among the Gentiles (1 Corinthians 16:1-4). He also went to the temple precisely to dispel the false rumors about himself, to clear up the misunderstandings of which the Jewish religious leaders were accusing him. In fact, he was trying to show that he was following the advice of the leaders of the Jerusalem church and observing the Torah as a conservative Jew. He purified himself according to Jewish custom, even paying for the shaving of the heads of four men who took vows as Nazirites (21:23-26). And yet, he says, the Jewish leaders accused him of being a Nazirite. He defends himself by saying that the uproar in the Sanhedrin was purely a religious debate, which turned into a huge mess when he spoke about it.

2. The interest of Felix (24:22-27)

Felix, having heard what Paul had to say, postponed his judgment. This was probably because he thought it necessary to ask Lysias, the captain of the thousands, to confirm the facts of the case. At least at this point he is conducting a truly fair trial. Besides, he “knew quite a bit about the road” and was interested in the details.

Later he called Paul again, this time with his wife Drusilla, to talk about his faith in Jesus. But when Paul spoke of “justice, temperance, and the judgment that was soon to come,” he was so frightened that he did not want to hear any more. Certainly, God’s judgment accompanies the biblical message, but it is not the end of the story. The Bible goes on to tell us that God’s judgment was taken away through Jesus’ death on the cross, and that forgiveness of sins was granted to all mankind. Felix missed the most important part because his ears were closed by fear.

Also, Felix was a greedy man. He must have thought that Paul had money. He called Paul several times asking for bribes. It took him two years to get the money, so Felix’s patience to get the money was great. But it was also two years of God’s patience waiting for Felix to be converted. Paul has no gold or silver. There is only the gospel, the message of the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Jesus. We must not miss the message of blessing in the cross.


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