【シーズン6】コリント人への手紙第一12章 御霊の賜物【聖書】人生100倍の祝福










1 Corinthians 12 Gifts of the Spirit

1. The Gifts of the Spirit (12:1-11)

As I mentioned in the last issue, chapter 11 addresses the problems that were occurring in the Corinthian church regarding worship and presents the original idea. In this chapter 12 we are going to talk about the “gifts of the Spirit. Some of you may be wondering what these are. Jesus told us that when He returns to heaven after His resurrection, the Spirit will come in His place to be with us and help us in our walk of faith. The idea of how this Spirit’s presence with us is experienced is presented.

Paul says that the first sign that the Spirit has been given is whether or not the person can acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus and confess, “Jesus is Lord” (v. 3). In other words, it is not that there is some mysterious experiential phenomenon as if the Spirit has taken over. He is saying that when we receive the Spirit of God, our conviction of faith in Jesus deepens. We say that when we receive the Spirit of God, we become convinced of our faith in Jesus, that Jesus is my Lord, that we follow Him, that we love Him, and that is the experience of the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, the person to whom the Spirit is given will love the church and serve the church, and the Spirit will give him the strength he needs to advance the ministry that the church needs (vv. 6, 7). Some will speak wise things for the church, and some will show very strong faith to encourage everyone in the church. And some will perform healings and miracles. Others will demonstrate the ability to discern the spirituality of people so that heretical teachings will not be mixed in the Church. In addition, people who support and help others will be raised up. In this way, the Spirit, or the Holy Spirit, will work with us as the power to deepen our faith and perfect the Church.

2. Unity in diversity (12:12-31)

The Spirit also works as a unifying force to unite us with the diverse gifts of the Spirit. The unity of the church is not a unity of uniformity. It is a unity of diversity. It is not a unity where everyone is the same, but a unity where different people work together and help each other toward the same goal.

Paul compares it to the human body. A human being is actually made up of many different parts. The head, feet, hands, mouth, eyes, nose, and other organs, which are different in appearance and function, work together as one to make various human activities possible.

Just as in a bird’s nest, there is straw, a piece of twig, a hanger, and a piece of cloth that we do not know where it came from. These different things are combined to make a nest of love where newborns and chicks are nurtured.

The church is such a place. When there are people with different and diverse experiences, abilities, natures and gifts of the Spirit, they recognize each other, help each other and cooperate with each other, making it a place where a tired soul or a defeated heart can return to God, be healed, rebuilt and restored to society. By working together as one, helping each other with a humble heart that no one person can do a complete work as the church, a wonderful church will be completed.


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