【シーズン6】ヘブル人への手紙12章 天に近づく歩み【聖書】人生100倍の祝福












Hebrews 12: Getting Closer to Heaven

1. Training in the Lord (12:1-11)

 It is generally taught that there are “visible earthly churches” and “invisible spiritual churches. Here at Tamagawa Christ Church in Futakotamagawa, we are a “visible earthly church. But at the same time, it is a part of the historical “invisible spiritual church” that has continued since the time of Abraham, consisting of believers from different countries and eras.

 It is important to be a part of this larger church and to learn from the faith walk of our predecessors. Then we are to move forward in our walk of faith.

 For example, if you feel that your life is over and you have lost hope, remember the story of Joseph in Genesis. If there are times when we fall down, as if this burden is too heavy to carry, we should remember the story of Moses in Exodus. And when you feel discouraged in the face of intense hatred and hostility, read the story of David in the book of Samuel. And if we are called to wait, we should read the story of Abraham in Genesis. In this way, we gain patience and encouragement through the stories of people who have lived lives of faith.

 And above all, we should read verse 2, the Gospel, and remember Jesus who endured the cross. The writer tells us to endure as God trains us, to leave behind all the burdens and sins that hinder our faith, and to go forward.

Certainly, our trials are trivial compared to those of Christ. But if we are sufficiently trained by our trials, we will be convinced that it is all for the best and that all things have been made good.

2. Do not mistake the goal (12:12-29)

 The author then tells us to “straighten our feeble hands and weak knees” and to pursue peace with all people and holiness. Life goes on. You have to be ready to go out on that front and regain the strength to do it. And to put peace and holiness at the center of life’s values. Holiness is not superficial holiness. It is fundamentally about living a life as a child of God that is different from the way of the world. There is no point in a Christian having faith if, like Esau, he disregards his God-given rights and lives in the interests of the world. A life like that of the world, which only seeks to make money, to rise in status above others, and to live a good, boastful life, may be successful. But it is a life that ends with the enjoyment of fleeting earthly pleasures. 

 So the author of Hebrews reaffirms what the goal of our progress is. It is not God’s judgment, symbolized by verse 18 and the events at Mt. Sinai, which the Israelites feared and retreated from in Old Testament times. Rather, it is the heavenly Jerusalem, the reception of the angels, and the grace of the forgiveness of sins in Christ, the place of God’s blessing, to which we are headed.

 We are approaching the day when, as children of God, we will be welcomed into the great feast, into the blessings of the kingdom of God. The book of Revelation tells us that it will be a place where there is no death, no sorrow, no crying, no pain (Revelation 21:3). It is a sure and certain promise that cannot be shaken. If we think that the visible world of this world is the end of our lives, we will inevitably become attached to the things of this world. But if our eyes are opened and we realize that our life is eternal, then we will strive to live accordingly.

 God’s word is true. God bless you, and I will see you tomorrow on this channel.


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