James 5 Overcome by prayer
1. Judgment against the rich (5:1-11)
James tells us to cry out against “the rich. He says that God will not fail to judge them for keeping their God-given wealth to themselves and enjoying it only for themselves.
Making money is never easy. And yet, there are people who have amassed great wealth and enjoy beautiful homes, cars, and lifestyles. They would not be able to live like this through ordinary efforts. Behind it all is the reality of human sacrifice and exploitation. Sure, there are people who make money through secret contracts, cheap labor, and bribes of all kinds. The reality of such a society never ceases to fascinate the mass media. But for some reason the structure cannot be changed. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
But God does not allow such injustice to continue forever. It is said that the river of life depends on money. But the God of the Bible says that money has no place in heaven. Your money must die with you. You have exploited and profited a lot and had a good time on earth. God is just.
Verse 4: “The unpaid wages of the workers are crying,” God will never overlook the tears of those who have been exploited and suffered.
Verse 4: “The unpaid wages to the laborers are crying out,” God will never overlook the tears of those who have been exploited and have suffered. And to those who have felt undeserving, God says: v. 7 “The farmer patiently waits for the precious harvest of the earth until the first or the latter rain” v. 8 “Be patient, be strong in heart. The time of the Lord’s coming is at hand.” This is an image of rice fields turning golden in the fall harvest season. Even though you are suffering now, the blessings of the harvest are coming, your treasure is stored up in heaven, and you must believe and wait. The day will come when you will laugh and say, “Blessed are those who persevere.
2. Pray rightly and expect God (5:12-20)
Therefore, we must persevere and continue to trust in God even when we are treated unwillingly and cruelly on earth. And at such times, do not carelessly swear. People often do. In times of trouble, they say, “God, I will do this, I will swear, please help me somehow. God will not let you feel your suffering more than you do. God feels your pain more than you do. And He wants to do something about it. So say “yes” to “yes” and “no” to “no” and go on with your life without hesitation. And quietly watch how things work out.
He also tells us to pray. That is the best way to get through the darkest of times (v.13). And he says to pray for everything. In those days there was no scientific treatment for the sick, so when people got sick, they would invite the elders of the church to pray and anoint themselves with olive oil in the name of the Lord. There was no other way but to pray and expect to be healed. Today we have advanced scientific treatments. I am not saying that we should reject them. Rather, we are saying that while we seek appropriate medical treatment, we should entrust to God and pray for those areas that are beyond human control. What faith requires is common sense. And human power is not omnipresent.
After all, it is common for believers to be distracted from the truth by the heartbreaking thoughts of the world’s various contradictions. James says that we must not lose interest in such a brother. We should not ignore him or criticize him from a distance. He says, “He who brings back a sinner from the way of the lost saves his soul from death and covers a multitude of sins,” which is a very noble act. God’s word is true. God bless you all. See you again on this channel.