【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録18章 世の富は過ぎ去る【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

2. 混乱する経済活動(18:11-24)
Revelation 18: The Wealth of the World Will Pass Away

  1. The Position of Chapter 18 (18:1-10)
    Some charismatic Christians believe in the idea of prosperity theology. It is a way of thinking that values visible wealth and that material success and blessings are due to God’s grace. However, such thinking is no different from the belief in benefits that is common among Japanese people. There is no need to become a Christian to have such a belief.
    The Bible teaches us more important values. A life bound by materialism is a tribute to the great whore (verse 1). In the previous chapter 17, John said that he was very astonished to see the great whore drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of Jesus’ witnesses (17:6). In other words, he is surprised to point out the reality that there are people who say they believe in Christ but are poisoned by materialistic values and are prey to the great whore. In fact, of the seven churches to which John wrote, the church of Laodicea was one that had such problems (3:17).

We can be influenced by the world’s upwardly mobile desire for success, wealth, and prosperity, without realizing it. The Bible warns us in this regard. Verse 4: “Come out from her, lest you receive of her plagues.” God will remember the great harlot’s sins and iniquities, and will surely judge and destroy her. The Bible says to distance yourself and leave her in order to avoid being influenced by her evil. Isn’t the time when we were captivated by material things over? Even though we have become Christians, why are we still living with the same interests and pleasures as before? Isn’t it so that we can live a new life for God? Chapter 18 is the conclusion of Chapter 17 and a clear warning to Christians who live hedonistically.

  1. Disordered economic activity (18:11-24)

From verse 11 onwards, the judgment of the great harlot is specifically described. God’s hand reaches Babylon, and economic activity in the big cities becomes completely disordered. Many commentators on the list of goods in verses 12 and 13 say that they are not necessities, but luxuries. In other words, they are things that one could live happily without. Among them are “slaves and human life.” At that time, the prosperity of the Roman Empire was supported by slavery. It is said that there were 60 million slaves in the entire Roman Empire. However, the fact that they managed to move so many slaves means that they gained enormous wealth through the slave trade. The reality of big cities where slaves and even human life are commodified is something that is relevant to the present day, as is the reality of black companies.
The word “will not be heard” is repeated. This means that there will be a complete destruction that will reduce to nothingness, to the point where the sounds of life disappear (verse 22). Rome was ultimately destroyed by luxury at the height of its prosperity. It is said that one of the reasons for the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate was that wealth shifted from the samurai class, who had held power and wealth until then, to merchants. The samurai fell, merchants who held money became the most powerful people on earth, and the shogunate collapsed.

It is said that 20% of the world’s population consumes 80% of the world’s resources in this day and age. In other words, we live in an age where a small number of rich people enjoy wealth. God will never overlook the fact that his wealth is obtained dishonestly and wasted.

Balkham, a leading British theologian in the study of the apocalypse, said that chapters 17-19 are a modern message to developed countries where peace is guaranteed. Modern Japan also has a food waste situation that is said to be “100 million rolling rice balls,” and it is a society that does not care for those who are truly in need. If, influenced by the trends of the times, we forget the existence of our brothers and sisters in the Lord in other countries who are suffering under persecution, and become obsessed with the pleasures and luxuries of this world along with the secular people, then such a life is one in which we are marked by the beast, are offered to the harlot, and perish with the great harlot. The trials of the end times are not only persecution. They also include being deceived by the pleasures of the world. I think you have a good understanding that the message of chapters 17-18 is a special edition. Let us keep a clear-sighted eye on what kind of era we live in and walk firmly in faith. God’s word is true. May God bless us. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you again tomorrow on this channel.


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