【シーズン6】創世記20章 アブラハムの失敗【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

  1. アブラハムの嘘(20:1- 13)
    Genesis 20: Abraham’s Failure
  2. the lie of Abraham (20:1-13)
    Abraham’s mistakes are recorded. This is similar to what we have already read in chapter 12. Therefore, some consider this passage to be a duplication of the earlier article. However, the majority seems to think that these two articles are different and understand them as such.
    One wonders why Abraham kept repeating the same mistakes, but it is also believed that there were social conditions at the time that facilitated such a tendency. Namely, according to studies of the Nuzi documents of the time, there was a system of wives and sisters that was unique to the Hurrians’ society. This was generally a practice in upper-class society that gave a woman the dual status of being both wife and sister, and granted her more favorable privileges and protection than would be accorded to an ordinary wife. It is not clear in some respects what the purpose of such a system was, but Abraham was able to use this system in a normal way and successfully avoid the dangers that occurred during his travels.
    In other words, for Abraham, it is normal for Sarah to profess to be his sister, but not for Abimelech. So Abimelech feels deceived, but also that he was careless in not knowing the culture that Abraham was familiar with. It is a matter of culture shock.
    But even if that were the case, it is undeniable that Abraham was afraid of people and tried to avoid danger. He got people into unnecessary trouble because of his own weakness. He should have called on the name of the Lord and asked Him to protect his life, but he could not do so.
    It is not as easy as it sounds to simply surrender everything to God and live optimistically. I am in a critical situation where a king who is far more powerful than Abraham has his eyes on me, and he has his wife in his arms. It takes a lot of faith to be able to say, “No matter what I lose, I will be fine, and the Lord will bring me back. Fortunately, God allows us to be disciplined in this way, to make mistakes. We are to grow by God’s grace.
  3. the intercession of Abraham (20:14-18)
    Now this is not just a second failure story. It is interesting to compare it again with the events of chapter 12. In chapter 12, the incident is recorded, but in this second incident, Abimelech is allowed to plead his case, and Abraham’s intercessory prayer is also recorded.
    God speaks to Abimelech, who did not know God at all, and acknowledges Abimelech’s righteousness. Abimelech does not ignore Abimelech’s sincerity just because he does not believe in God. An important point. Just because he does not believe in God does not make everything he does sin or evil. (v. 6). God does what is right without discrimination, whether one believes in Him or not.
    Notice also that God takes Abraham’s failures as failures, but rather encourages Abraham to do what is right. In this story, it is not Abraham who clearly demonstrates a human quality, but Abimelech, who does not believe in God. What a situation Abraham is in that Christians are supposed to be good people, but he is in a situation that must make him blush at all. God commands Abraham to pray intercessory prayers for Abimelech. Usually, intercession is like a person of superior human quality praying for a person of inferior human quality. Here, however, it is quite the opposite. Abraham, who is truly a disgrace as a human being, intercedes for Abimelech, who is an unbeliever but a respectable human being. This is also an important point.
    Christians must first learn intercessory prayer from the moment they come to faith. Although they do not have the status or substance to pray for others, they must learn to intercede for others. Abraham was told by God at the beginning of his walk of faith that he would be a source of blessing, and that is exactly what grows with the start of faith. If we, like Abraham, have been chosen to be a source of blessing, we should do the same. God did not choose us because we have something to offer, something shiny, something great, but because He wants us to grow and be a source of blessing. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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