1 Thessalonians 5: Growing by the Grace of the Lord
1. We Do Not Know When the Second Coming Will Come (5:1-5)
After the second half of chapter 4, Paul addresses the subject of the Second Coming. The concern of the people at that time was when it would happen. Not much has changed since then. Even today, when people talk about the Second Coming, the Apocalypse, or when such an event will come, they are still deeply concerned about it.
Paul agrees with Jesus on this point and says that no one knows when the Second Coming will be. But that day is sure to come, as you well know, O Thessalonians.
2. Walk before God in preparation for His return (5:6-28)
Therefore, he says, be fully prepared for that day, so that you will be ready when it comes. In other words, Paul makes this specific recommendation starting in verse 6.
(1) First of all, be awake and self-controlled. In other words, let us be sober in our walk, so that when the time comes, we will be ready (v.6). Remember the parable of the ten daughters of the bridegroom that Jesus told.
(2) Next, he says that we should always be firm in the three Christian virtues of faith, love, and hope (v. 8). Christians are optimists. But this is not the same as being optimistic, not thinking too deeply about things, thinking that if we leave things to God, we will be fine. Rather, it is a strong optimist who knows the depths of the cruel, desperate, and discouraging realities of society, but still trusts that God is true, that He will do what is right, and that He will do what is good for us. It is the Christian who lives by faith in God and the hope and love that come from that faith.
(3) Therefore, he says, let us encourage and build one another up (v. 11). Believers are positive.
(4) Furthermore, we are to recognize and obey the pastor and his work that God has established in the church. He also says that we should make sure that our lives are supported in a way that is commensurate with this work. For if the believers value the pastor of their church and support his work, then the missionary work will also advance (v.12).
(5) And let us strive to make the church a place of peace with one another. We do not fight in the church what we would fight in public. People who were fed up with such things, including the contentious nature in themselves, repented and came to the church, so let us not bring up the old nature and customs that we have abandoned, but live actively in love that overcomes contention and clamor.
(6) Therefore, let us warn those who are careless, who throw things away in the middle of a task and disturb the order, and on the other hand, let us encourage those who are petty, who lack courage and think in an anxious manner. Let us take care of those who are spiritually weak and not cut them off.
(7) Be patient and not hot-tempered.
(8) Do good. Let us return blessings for curses and overcome enmity with love (v.15).
(9) Rejoice always. This is spiritual maturity (v.16).
(10) Pray constantly. Expect God, not man (v.17).
(11) Give thanks. You can do this if you have faith in God, who leads you to the first place (v.18).
(12) Lean on the Holy Spirit. He brings warmth and light to the Christian life (v.19).
(13) Value prophecy (v. 20). Prophecy is not only a prediction of the future, but also an announcement of God’s will. Pay attention to what the Bible says (v. 21).
(14) Evil is manifold. Let us stay away from all kinds of evil (v.22).
The important thing to remember is that Paul is not telling us to cling to these goals and work hard at them. The Christian life is not a life of discipline, but a life of grace in which we naturally partake of God’s nature by enjoying Him and being with Him.
God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.