Genesis 18: Confirmation of the Covenant to Abraham
- laughing Sarah (18:1-15)
About 2.5 kilometers west of Hebron, there is an old tree called the “oak tree of Abraham. It is commonly referred to as the biblical oak tree of Mamre. While Abraham was there, “three men” came to him. Who are they? The common belief is that they are the Lord God and two angels. Here again we have a picture of God actively trying to relate to mankind.
Abraham, aware of the guest’s apparent importance, prepared water to wash his feet and suggested that he rest under a tree, in accordance with the Bedouin custom of hospitality. He then hurried to Sarah in her tent, brought her bread, a small cow, and curds, and entertained her.
Incidentally, tents at that time were made of goat’s hair. When it was time to shear the goats, the old tents were repaired and new tents were built. The tents were roughly 3-5 meters square, depending on the size of the family, and were supported by three rows of nine pillars, the middle row being 2.1 meters high and the two side rows 1.8 meters high, sloping down on both sides. The inside was divided into two sections, the front for the men and the back room for the women. There was no floor, and straw mats and woolen rugs were the best they had.
Now, the guest tells of God’s promise. Sarah will have a child. Sarah, who was listening behind the guest, couldn’t help but laugh inside. Sarah did not yet have faith in God’s omnipotence. It is truly God’s work to see through what was said behind her back and in her heart, but interestingly, God rebukes Abraham, not Sarah, for this attitude of Sarah’s. It is not hard to read this as blaming the patriarch for the unbelief of the family. Certainly, the patriarch is responsible for his concern for the faith of his family, as was Job (Job 1:5). In modern parlance, the patriarch is still responsible for taking an interest in the affairs of the family and directing their hearts to God, who is in control of everything, no matter how busy they are with their work. - interceding Abraham (18:16-33)
After pronouncing the blessing on Abraham, God offers a counsel (v. 17). God asks Abraham’s opinion about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. God seeks to be actively involved in man’s world, which can bring blessing or judgment. God does not overlook the serious sins of man, even if man overlooks them. But God does not punish with rumors, nor does He merely insist on righteous judgment, but He is one who seeks to understand the situation well, as verse 21 says, “I want to know. With such a God, we can be assured of our faith.
In fact, God came down from heaven, became man, and dwelt among men. Moreover, Jesus, who became man, entrusted Himself to a poor family in the poorhouse of Israel, not to a royal family that was given special treatment. And because his father died early in his life, Jesus had to work as a day laborer to support the family until he was about 30 years old, without the opportunity to receive a higher education like Paul did. And he did not just work. He was a self-taught man who studied the Bible so well that he could argue with, if not better than, the scribes. God is the One who stands on the same footing as man and searches for the help and judgment he needs (John 1:14).
Abram understood such a humble God and jumped into His bosom to negotiate, looking up to Him. He wonders if there might be a righteous person in the city, and if he would destroy even him. He then reduces the number of the righteous to dozens as a condition for not destroying them. Ten in Hebrew is “minyan,” the smallest unit for congregational prayer. I understand the idea of not lumping the wicked and the righteous together, if there were even ten righteous people. But we should say that Abraham thought more than that, that he did not wish the death of the wicked as well as God. In other words, he is advising the city not to be destroyed if there are those who are open to God and intercede for him.
Indeed, the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise that through Abraham all peoples of the earth would be blessed (12:1-3) is beginning to bear fruit in this intercessory prayer. If we are like Abraham, that is, if we are the “father of many nations,” it is only if we are concerned and intercede for our friends, acquaintances, and neighbors. Prayer in the church is what makes the church precious.
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