【シーズン6】創世記19章 ロト,滅びの町【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 19: Lot, the Destroyed Cities

  1. The Destroyed City of Sodom (19:1-29)
    In Abraham’s time, there were five cities on the shores of the Dead Sea: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Zoar. As Sodom was the largest of these, the Dead Sea was also called the “Sea of Sodom.” However, its location is not well known. The prevailing theory is that it was located in the southern part of the Dead Sea, south of the El-Risan Peninsula, and sank to the bottom of the lake due to a major crustal movement. In fact, excavations at the site have revealed deposits of asphalt and sulfur, and that there was a pilgrimage site that is thought to have been located around 2300-1900 BC. However, there are also views that deny this theory by limiting the “lowlands of the Jordan” (Genesis 13:10) to the northern part of the Dead Sea, and in fact, it is not well known. The Dead Sea is about 75km north to south, 18km east to west, and has an area of about 1020 square km, twice the size of Lake Biwa. It is about 400m below sea level, making it the lowest point in the world. About 6 million tons of water flows from the Jordan River every day, and since there is no outlet, it is all stored in the Dead Sea. Because of the high temperature, it evaporates and the water level is always constant. On the other hand, the salt concentration of the lake water is about 8 times that of the normal sea, and it is said that there are no fish that live there.
    It had been more than 20 years since Lot left Abraham and started living in this land. Then one day, Lot met a guest who had visited Abraham in Chapter 18 and welcomed him into his home. The people of Sodom, who knew about this, surrounded Lot’s house. They had a dubious interest in the traveler. Lot thought that he had to protect the guest, so he tried to use his daughter as a substitute. Of course, it seems likely that the townspeople would refuse. However, the guests were angels of God. They blinded the mob and let Lot into the house, where they ordered him to escape the city because they would destroy it (verses 12 and 13). Lot hesitated. His sons-in-law also “seemed like a joke” and refused to budge. The angels of the Lord then took Lot, his wife, and his two daughters by the hand and forcibly pulled them out of the city (verse 16). However, this was entirely due to God’s mercy. As warned, the Lord made it rain sulfurous fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them over the whole plain.
    In that area, there is a pillar of salt resembling a human figure standing on a small hill. It is often explained that this is Lot’s wife, who looked back despite being told not to, but in reality it is huge. It may be something of an urban legend.
  2. The outcome of Lot’s life (Genesis 19:30-38)
    The outcome of a life lived with God may not be immediately visible. However, the difference between those who live with God and those who do not will eventually become clear. This is where the difference between Abraham and Lot’s lives comes into play. Abraham feared God and spent his life walking with God, while Lot loved the world and its things and spent his life turning his back on God. This episode teaches us what the outcome will be. Lot, who did not walk with God, started out in a glorious way, but his end came at the worst, living in a cave.
    After that, Lot became the ancestor of the Moabites and Ammonites through his daughter (Deuteronomy 2:9). The incest that happened in Lot’s family is difficult to understand. However, it happened in order for Lot’s family, who had fallen into disgrace, to survive. This immoral behavior is reflected in the behavior of the Moabites and Ammonites, as if circulating through generations (Numbers 25, Leviticus 18:21).

But God does not abandon a nation that seems to have come to have such incomprehensible values (verse 29).

God is merciful, and this is what it means to be a friend of sinners.

Later, David was born through Ruth, a descendant of this Moabite, and Naamah, an Ammonite woman, became Solomon’s wife and gave birth to Rehoboam, eventually welcoming the Messiah.

What is important is that no matter what family you are born into, or what values you come from, it is possible to escape from that dishonorable life. In other words, as we can see from Ruth, it is up to the person’s own choice. Ruth, a Moabite, met a family that followed the true God, called on the true God, and chose to live a life that followed the true God’s ethics and values (Ruth 1:16). Where we call on God, we find God’s mercy and God’s help. And we will also be broken from the vicious cycle of destruction.
Let us remember that God delivers those who call upon Him from the cave of destruction, from the very vicious cycle of destruction. God’s Word is true. May God bless us, and please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you again tomorrow on this channel.


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