【シーズン6】創世記23章 サラの死【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis●Chapter 23 Sarah’s Death (Possession of the Promised Land)

  1. death of Sarah (23:1-2)
     Sarah, Abraham’s wife of many years, was taken to heaven. Sarah was 127 years old. Abraham wept, “mourning and grieving. The Hebrew word for “mourning” is serfad, which means to beat one’s chest and grieve. It does not say exactly what Abraham was thinking at this time about what happens after a person’s death. But as we have seen, Abraham came to understand God not only as God Almighty but also as eternal God, so he must have thought that Sarah, too, had returned to the eternal God. It would be like Christians today remembering the resurrection of Jesus and remembering that the dead return first to heaven.
    However, even so, there is no doubt that the death of a person is still a sad reality. I have already sent my parents to heaven, but it was a really busy time for me. So, at the time of my mother’s death, I had no time to grieve for her, and I had a lot of work to do. When I returned to my parents’ house, I suddenly had this feeling many times that my mother would appear just around the corner from me in an alley. I sometimes wondered if that was the reason I had never felt sadness in my heart. However, a year later, after I had sent my father to heaven and had some time to spare from work, I realized that my heart, which I had thought was fine, had been damaged unexpectedly and deeply at the time of my mother’s death. That is why the feeling of sadness did not occur. It took me two years to recover from that. No, in fact, I may still be recovering. Based on this experience, I think that when you lose a loved one, it is important to take time to rest. Just as the body heals itself, the human mind has the power to recover. We should cherish the recovery of our hearts, which is what we did when we mourned, grieved, and wept for Sarah. Eventually, the time will come for us to rise up and bring closure to our hearts through burial.
  2. the Promised Land in hand (23:3-20)
    Now, with the burial of Sarah, Abraham finally obtains the Promised Land. God’s promise became a legal reality, recognized by the general community.
    The site of Hebron, where Abraham buried his wife, is located on a hillside about 35 kilometers south-southwest of Jerusalem, about 1000 meters above sea level. Originally called Kiryate Arba, it is rich in water and is considered a famous grape-growing area. In the time of Abraham, it was inhabited by the Hittites. There are various theories about the Hittites, but it seems that the Hittites at that time referred to the indigenous people of Palestine. Abraham bought the cemetery from Ephron the Hittite for 400 shekels of silver. Originally offering to give it away for free, Abraham offered to pay for it.
    The shekel was the most commonly used unit of money, and there were three conversions (royal shekel: about 12.28 grams per shekel; common shekel: about 11.38 grams per shekel; sanctuary shekel: about 10 grams per shekel), but the usual way to calculate it is roughly 4,552 grams of silver. Ephron offers a sum of money if he wants to purchase it, and says that it would be trivial for Abraham (v. 15). However, the price offered was about 2.5 million Japanese yen in today’s terms. At the time, this would have been an unheard-of amount. In other words, the eyes of those present were focused on Abraham’s dignity. In response to the challenge, Abraham does not bargain at all, but buys at the price offered.
    An important point. It was an act that made Ephron and the other Hittites recognize Abraham’s good sense and attitude toward God. Abraham himself is the land that God is giving him. And it is the land where he will bury his beloved wife, so there is really no room for haggling. Thus, Abraham acquired the land of the Promised Land in a fair and honest manner and gained social recognition.
    It is easy for people to do things based on profit and loss. However, there are some things that should not be interrupted by profit and loss. They are matters of God and love. Abraham believed that even God’s promises, or rather, what God gives us, should be obtained at a reasonable price. He put forth the heart and effort to deserve it.
    The price we pay for those we love is not a matter of profit or loss. The same is true for the price Jesus paid for us. As a result, this episode also reveals the weight of Jesus’ substitutionary death. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow. See you on this channel.


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