【シーズン6】ペテロの手紙第二1章 殉教間近のペテロのことば【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

1.牧師として何を最期に語るのか(1:1- 9)

 14節を読むと、ペテロはこの手紙を書きながら、自分の殉教を間近に感じていることがわかります。伝承によると、ペテロは、ローマ皇帝ネロの迫害の時代(AD54-68)に殉教した、と考えられています。この手紙がAD67 年頃に書かれたと考えられているのは、そのような理由によるものです。ともあれ、この時ペテロは、ローマの獄中にあって、もはやこれまでと覚悟を決めて、告別のことばを残そうとしていました。













2 Peter 1: Peter’s words on the verge of martyrdom

1. What is the last thing he says as a pastor (1:1-9)?

 Verse 14 reveals that Peter was on the verge of martyrdom when he wrote this letter. According to tradition, Peter was martyred during the persecution of the Roman Emperor Nero (AD 54-68). It is believed this event occurred during Nero’s persecution. For this reason, this letter is believed to have been written around 67 AD. At that time, Peter was in prison in Rome and about to deliver his farewell address.

What would he say as a pastor at such a time? What would he want his church to remember after he left this world? Peter recommends that they work hard in their lives of faith so that their salvation will be complete (v.10). We have been promised the grace of entering Christ’s eternal kingdom through the forgiveness of sins in Christ. Therefore, we should make it more and more certain. This is what the pastor sincerely expects of each member of the church. To this end, Peter tells us to be zealous about seven things.

(1) Add virtue (v. 5): A Christian is not just a person who sprinkles kindness or a good-natured person, but a person of virtue. Let us improve our character, which everyone can see.

(2) Knowledge: In addition, we think and act on the basis of sound knowledge and understanding.

(3) Self-control and (4) Patience: If you are a good person, you will not be self-centered. You will exercise self-restraint and patience. You will also think of the consideration and care that are necessary for others.

(5) Piety: The original meaning of the Greek word is “good worship,” which means having a right relationship with God.

(6) Brotherly love: Brotherly love means having a right relationship with God. It also involves being such a person in your relationship with man.

7) Love: Finally, and above all, what characterizes a Christian is love, the love of the cross of Christ. Love is action. It is doing what we can actually do.

As a pastor, this is what I expect of my congregation. They should embody faith, virtue, and knowledge. They should also practice self-control, patience, and godliness. Showing brotherly love and charity is essential. I want them to work out their own salvation with zeal in these areas.

2. Listen humbly to God’s Word (1:12-21)

 A master of the tea ceremony must devote himself to the tea ceremony. Similarly, a swordsman must commit to swordsmanship. Similarly, a Christian must master his own salvation. A Christian must strive to be more diligent in his faith to make his calling and election sure.

 This is not easy. Few people can faithfully study the Word of God daily for 10 or 20 years. It is as if they were examining and refining their own souls. And the height of Christ, our goal, is also much higher, like Mount Everest. Perhaps Peter was reminded of his own reality as he approached his martyrdom. He remembered witnessing on the Mount of Transfiguration. He realized he had fallen far short of the glory of Christ. Peter described the holiness of Christ that he witnessed on the Mount of Transfiguration as “a whiteness that the scribes of the world could never attain” (vv. 17, 18; Mark 9:2-8), but this is not a goal that can be attained by human effort.

 It is a goal that can never be reached unless we are lifted up by the mercy of the Lord. If we have the strength to think of our own reality in this way, we will find the heart to search for the Word of God. We must do this with a reverent attitude. Faith is good because we do not know ourselves well. We are not well aware of our own hopeless sinfulness. No one can have an extraordinary experience of the transfiguration like Peter, so the first step is to keep the words of the Bible in mind and illuminate our hearts with their light. We must understand the Bible as it speaks to us, not as we interpret it to suit our own needs. Today, in order to achieve our own salvation, we should face the Bible, not in a self-serving way, but with humility, aiming for a correct understanding. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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