1 Corinthians 10: Revealing the Glory of God
1. Historical Lessons from the Old Testament Era (10:1-13)
Here Paul reflects on the events that took place in Israel during the Old Testament era. In the past, the Israelites escaped from Egypt through the sea with Moses. He says that this means that they were baptized to follow Moses. In other words, it symbolizes that Christians were baptized into Jesus.
The Israelites who escaped from Egypt wandered in the desert for 40 years. During that time, God fed them with manna, a food from heaven. This symbolizes that Christians are kept alive and protected by the heavenly life of Christ.
And He says, “These things are commandments for us. These things were examples for our warning” (v. 6). In other words, what the Israelites experienced in the Old Testament is what we will experience. So the fact that the Israelites of the Old Testament period fell and were judged by God is a warning to us. If we continue to grieve God’s heart as the Israelites did in the Old Testament era, the result will be the same. In a positive way, as in chapter 9, he is saying that you are free to do whatever you want, but do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh to do its work, but use it for the will and glory of the Lord.
2. Avoid Idolatry (10:14-33)
Paul says, “Avoid idolatry. Paul tells us to avoid idolatry. Specifically, in verse 16, he says that Christians are to treasure their relationship with Christ because they live in a life-giving relationship with Him. He also tells them to stop worshipping anything other than Christ, v. 20: “I do not want you to have fellowship with demons,” saying that worshipping idols made of stone or wood is the same as having fellowship with demons. In fact, as we have already seen in chapter 8, the church in Corinth, which had an unrestrained frenzy with the flesh offered to idols, said that this was the same as associating with demons.
In the end, idolatry lures us into very frivolous and ephemeral pleasures instead of a settled and solid life. v. 23 says, “All things are permitted,” but not all things are beneficial. All things are permitted, but not all things are conducive to a person’s development. Amen to that.
And as for the flesh itself offered to idols, Paul says, “For there is no such thing as an idol. Paul says, “Since there is no such thing as an idol in the first place, you should eat whatever meat is sold in the marketplace without concern. But if there is someone at the table who insists that the meat is offered to an idol, then out of consideration for that person, do not eat it. The important thing is to manifest the glory of God, that is, to live a life of God’s love while being mindful of our freedom. And not to cause others to stumble. You are people who live in the love of the cross, so if someone feels uncomfortable, go with him or her. You are to be a free person, free in all things, but also considerate of those who have a weak conscience. To be mature as a Christian is to be able to act with consideration for others. It is to be a person who thinks things through and is attentive to various things.