【シーズン6】コリント人への手紙第一14章 異言の問題【聖書】











1 Corinthians Chapter 14 The Problem of Speaking in Tongues

1. Tongues and Prophecy (14:1-33)

Paul has been addressing the issue of the state of the church since chapter 11. In this chapter 14, he finally addresses the nature of worship itself. In other words, he talks specifically about how the two gifts of the Spirit, “tongues” and “prophecy,” should be used in worship.

First, notice how Paul understands and contrasts “tongues” and “prophecy” by saying in verse 22 that tongues are “signs (testimonies) for unbelievers” and prophecy is a sign for believers, not unbelievers. Notice. He does not say that speaking in tongues is a sign to unbelievers. He says they are signs to unbelievers. What does this mean?

In verse 21, Paul is quoting from Isaiah 28:11 in the Old Testament. It was a prophecy that the Word of God would be spoken in the language of Gentiles, not Jews. And Paul is referring to the situation where Gentiles are delivering God’s message in the church, and he says that this is exactly what Isaiah prophesied, a testimony and a sign to the Jews who are also unbelievers.

Incidentally, the first time tongues were spoken in the Christian church is described in Acts chapter 2. It is clear from this passage that the tongues at that time were in a foreign language. In later times, however, it has been developed and interpreted as the words of an angel rather than a foreign language. However, my personal understanding is that it is still better to interpret tongues as a foreign language based on Acts 2.

Paul says, v. 2, that tongues speak to God, and prophecy speaks to men (v. 2). Tongues speak deeply in one’s own spirit, but prophecy enhances, encourages, and comforts people’s virtues (v. 3). Tongues increase one’s own virtue, but prophecy increases the virtue of the church (v. 4). And speaking in tongues increases the virtue of the church when it is revealed, that is, interpreted (v. 5), he says. So even though speaking in tongues has the purpose of “building up people” (v. 3) and “growing the church” (vv. 4, 5, 12, 26), if there is no one to interpret it, he says to be silent (v. 28). In a sense, this is a natural admonition. And more importantly, it is a prophecy that can be understood directly as it is, which is also well understood.

2. Warning Against Women Speaking Out (14:34-40)

Now Paul says, “Women should keep silence in the churches. They are not to speak.” He says. So some people think that women should not be able to teach in the church. In fact, the Greek word translated “speak” is “raleo,” which means “to preach” or “to prophesy. It is not difficult to understand that the Greek word translated “speak” is “lareo,” which means “to preach” or “to prophesy. However, the word “laleo” also means “to babble. In other words, it could be interpreted as a warning against women’s idle chatter during worship.

And given the context so far, the Corinthian church is a rather disorganized church. The worship service must have been no different. There may have been a woman who raised her voice and interjected something unnecessary during the sermon. Paul may have objected to the comments of such an insensitive woman. He told them to listen carefully to the end of the message, and if they had any questions, to do them at home after the message was over.

The important thing is that the center of worship is God. It is not a person. Any worship service that focuses on people, whether it is a speaker in tongues or a woman speaks in vain, is wrong in some way. In worship, it’s important that God be worshipped and that everyone’s heart be centered on God.


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