1 Corinthians 5: Removing the Bread Seed with Love
1. the second problem, immorality (5:1-5)
The problem of the Corinthian church that Paul has dealt with so far is “division. From this point on, he addresses the next problem, “immorality. The Greek word translated “fornication” is “porneia,” from which we get the word “pornography,” and in the world of that time it was used to describe a wide range of sexual deviance, including “prostitution” and “incest. We don’t know exactly what “taking one’s father’s wife as one’s wife” meant, but it must have involved some socially unacceptable relationship problems.
But Paul’s problem here is the church’s failure to deal with such unacceptable relationships. Paul says that such a person should not be tolerated and should be “delivered to Satan. Specifically, he wants the church to enforce church discipline and cast the man out of the church, the symbol of the kingdom of God, into a world outside the church, a world ruled by Satan.
Some may think this is harsh. But in fact, Paul does not speak in a punitive, dismissive way. Rather, he is speaking clearly and with an educational intent. There is no doubt that the person in question is also in the love of God. The cross of Christ was the complete forgiveness of the sins of all mankind. And once a person has received this forgiveness, he or she cannot be rejected by God for subsequent deviant acts. God’s heart aches for such acts, but He waits for them to repent and return. The relationship that cannot be broken, even if we try, is the relationship between God and us who have accepted the cross of Christ. That is why Paul says that the delivery to Satan in verse 5 is “that his spirit might be saved on the day of the Lord. It is not a cutting off.
2. to keep the church healthy.
Furthermore, Paul’s intention in verse 6 is for the health of the whole flock. Here the image of the Passover is used, which is easily understood by the Israelites. That is, before the Passover began, the Israelites did a great deal of cleaning to remove the seeds of bread from throughout their homes. This was to make seedless bread. Then they would celebrate the Passover. At the Passover, a lamb is slaughtered. Jesus was that lamb. The fact that Jesus was crucified means that a lamb was slaughtered. Then the bread basket, a symbol of corruption, cannot be in the church. If there was something that should not have been there, there is no other way but to remove it.
However, what Paul said in verse 9 may have been poorly worded or misunderstood. Paul did not say that unbelievers should be taken out of the church. He was saying that Christians who are already believers and are living in a way that is unacceptable to society will be sanctioned by society and should be sternly admonished by the church. The church is different from the world, so he is not saying that we should despise them, ostracize them, and abandon them as the world does, but he is saying that we should do it in an educational way so that they will repent and come back.
If a certain sin is revealed in the church, we would point it out clearly, and if they repent, fine; if not, we would ask them to leave for a time in order to keep the church healthy. However, this request is also based on a complex state of mind, like a father waiting for his prodigal son who has left home. We watch him go with the hope that he will return to God. The Church remains a place where people love and are rebuilt.