2 Corinthians 5: Embracing the Ministry of Reconciliation
1. How to Live a Temporary Life (5:1-11)
Paul tells us a parable: “Our souls are like temporary dwellings in this world. When we die, our temporary life is over, and when we go to heaven, we will have a real home there.
When we die, it is not the end of our life. Some people think that everything comes to nothing, but the Bible teaches otherwise. It says that our souls live forever. It also says that when we die, our souls will not be left naked. We will be given new celestial bodies. What a wonderful story! Our present bodies are imperfect and crippled. We want to be given a new, eternal, wonderful body.
On the other hand, the Bible also speaks of the certainty of God’s judgment after death. After death, our souls will face God and be judged by Him. We will have to give an account of how we have lived our lives, whether good or bad. It is a terrible time for some and a rewarding time for others. God is just, and He will make sure that the books of life are settled at the end of time. No one is exempt from God’s judgment, and no one can say that his life has gone unrewarded.
2. motivated not only by “the solemnity of standing before God” but also by “the love of Christ” (5:12-16).
Paul says, “But if we remember that there is a God who does what is right, we will also be motivated to convince others to believe in God. Paul also says that he is eager to preach not only because of the “solemnity of standing in the presence of God,” but also because “the love of Christ has caught me up.
Paul takes up Christ’s death on the cross. He says it was a sacrifice for all humanity, a demonstration of God’s love for all humanity. It was for all humanity, he says, but I have been so caught up in the love of God that it is the driving force of my mission. In Christ, he says, all things must be made new.
3. Living a new mission (5:17-21)
Finally, Paul tells us that he has not only been caught up in Christ, but that he has been given a mission to preach. His purpose is clear. It is a mission to promote reconciliation between God and man (v. 19). Paul’s encounter with Christ gave him a new purpose in life. In the past, Paul saw Jesus as a false Christ and thought his followers were abominable heretics who needed to be eliminated once and for all. However, he met the risen Jesus and was taught that Jesus is the true God. They realized that the cross of Jesus was not a curse of God, but a precious sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of all mankind and a demonstration of God’s love.
There, in the normal course of events, Paul’s life would have ended. Jesus could have said, “You were wrong, your life is over. But Jesus hung on the cross for the sake of Paul’s opponent. Paul accepted this love of Jesus and renewed his self-awareness that he had a mission to say that it was not just for him, but for all humanity, that you too might accept God’s reconciliation.
So may God bless you all. If you are ever in Futakotamagawa, Setagaya, please come and hear the message in person. See you tomorrow on this channel.