1 Thessalonians 1. The Establishment and Reputation of the Thessalonian Church
1. The Circumstances of the Writing of the Epistle
Today we are going to read the letter to the Thessalonians. Paul wrote this letter during his second missionary journey, according to the book of Acts (18:1-5). He stayed in Corinth for about a year and a half, and it is believed that he wrote this at the beginning of that time (Ac 18:11). Chronologically, this is about 51 A.D., the earliest of Paul’s letters.
The church in Thessalonica began when Paul converted several Jews and many “godly Greeks” during his second missionary journey (Ac 17:1-3). Soon after, however, Paul had to leave the area after only three weeks of missionary work because of intense Jewish obstruction. New believers were left behind without proper instruction in the faith and were subjected to severe persecution (Ac 17:5-9; 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15). Paul was concerned about this church in Thessalonica and wanted to visit them, but never got the chance (2:18). So Paul sent his disciple Timothy from Athens (3:2-3). And to his surprise, the people of the church in Thessalonica were maintaining their walk of faith. Timothy told Paul what they needed to be taught. Paul wrote this letter to strengthen their faith, focusing primarily on the subject of the Second Coming (3:6).
1. Praise for the Thessalonian Church
First, Paul expressed his own impressions of the Thessalonian church. First, he said that the Thessalonian Church is a church that is loved by God. First of all, he says that the Thessalonian Church is loved by God, and that it has been chosen by God. Usually, people think that Christianity is the best among many religions, and they choose to believe in it, so to speak. But the fact is that God just led us to it. And third, the Church of Thessalonica was built as the work of God, not the work of men. Paul says (v.5). It was Paul, Silas, and Timothy who brought the Gospel to Thessalonica, but it was God Himself who opened their hearts to the Gospel and turned them from idolatry. Of course, the hearts of the Thessalonians to whom the seed was sown were also good. They were open to the words of Scripture, and they cared about imitating the Lord of whom Paul speaks (v. 6). In other words, they were the very seed that Jesus said was sown on good soil (Matthew 13:23). It was a church created by those who preached the Word of God, those who received it, and the work of God in unity.
Thus, the church in Thessalonica grew and was protected by God, much to Paul’s concern. Sustainable church ministry is the result of God’s work, not man’s. A church that feels the work of God is the true church of Christ. The Thessalonian church, which was the result of God’s work, gained a reputation. The important thing is not the activities of the people in the church, but the character of the church. There are those who look forward to the return of the Son, he said. It is not what kind of event was held or what kind of meeting was held, but the way the people gathered there in faith that won their praise. It is not the building or the activities, but the nature in Christ of the people who gather that attracts the attention of those around them. We want to be a church where God’s work is done.
The Word of God is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.