【シーズン6】ペテロの手紙第一1章 試練の中の喜び【聖書】人生100倍の祝福 














Pastor Makoto’s Bible Reading a Chapter a Day. God’s Word is true. It changes our lives. Today, I will speak from the first chapter of the first epistle of Peter.

First Letter of Peter, Chapter 1: To God’s Chosen Vessels

1. the letter is addressed to (1:1-5)

 Let us look at the letter of Peter. First of all, the letter is addressed to Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. All are areas scattered along the southern coast of the Black Sea, i.e., the northern coast of present-day Turkey. At the time, the region was a Roman province.

 Peter calls the Jews scattered throughout the region “sojourning elect. Sojourning” means a temporary sojourn. Either literal or figurative, meaning a lifetime on earth, is a valid interpretation. Chosen” is here more about the ‘reason’ than the ‘fact’ of the choice. They were chosen according to God’s plan, that is, to accept the forgiveness of sins on the cross of Jesus and to become His followers (v. 2).

 Peter goes on to talk about the blessings of the chosen ones. They were those who believed in the resurrection life of Jesus, connected to that life, and lived a new life (v. 3). And they are the ones who have been promised assets in the heaven that will soon come, which will neither decay nor vanish away. What a difference it makes! The soul of a follower of Jesus is eternal. This earthly life is a temporary sojourn, and when they finish their earthly life, they will have their own complete salvation, promised to them beforehand, protected and prepared for them by God’s power.

2. joy in the midst of trials (1:5-12)

 For those who live in this hope of Christ’s life, every day is a joy. It was different from their earthly assets, which were easily lost. For example, Palestine at that time often suffered from drought and locust damage. In other words, their earthly assets were easily lost. But that is not what was promised to them. Life lived in the hope that God has given and provided is full of joy every day.

 And that joy does not fade away, even when we are put through hardships and trials. People usually think that hardships and struggles are bad and unfortunate. They also think that joy is lost. However, there are times when we can be happy in spite of hardships and difficulties. We can carry trials under our arm as temporary suffering. Those who have faith have such strength. We even think of trials as an opportunity to refine our faith, just as metal is refined by fire.

 This blessing of salvation in Jesus Christ was prophesied and awaited since Old Testament times, and even the angels wished to know it. Now it has been made public as something accessible to all. Therefore, he says, make that salvation surely yours (v. 13).

3. live in God’s holiness (1:13-25)

 In other words, live in God’s holiness. And make no mistake. It begins with the fact that we have been sanctified by the blood of Christ. It is not that the unclean become holy. It is about the sanctified becoming more and more holy.

 No, if we look at our actual selves, we may not honestly see the reality that we are sanctified at all. But Christ’s precious sacrifice of becoming an offering on the cross was certainly intended to make you holy and beloved in God’s sight. It was God’s plan before the world began, and it was completed 2000 years ago. In other words, our being sanctified is an objective historical fact that has happened, apart from how we feel about ourselves.

 Starting from that point, let’s believe that you will be sanctified by God more and more, and walk as sanctified people. The important thing is to keep trusting God. The important thing is to keep trusting God and obeying what He commands us to do. God encourages us to love one another with a good heart. We are to encourage, support, comfort, and strengthen each other in our tribulations. We are to maintain our life and strength through the Word of God. The Word of God is eternal. It is not like a flower that wilts over time.

 God’s Word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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