【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録10章 もはや時は残されていない【聖書】人生100倍の祝福 









 けれども、注意すべきは罪の赦しを信じ受け入れているヨハネのお腹の中で苦くなっていることです。ですからこれは、福音そのものの作用というよりも、福音を語る人の経験を語っているのです。つまり、人に向けて罪の悔い改めを語ることは、それほど容易ではないこと、そしりを受け、嘲りを受ける、そんな苦みを味わうことだ、と言っているのです(エレミヤ9章)。 確かに、罪の赦し、そんなものはいらないよ、死んだら終わり、それでいいじゃない、と耳を貸そうとしない人はいくらでもいます。それは、福音を語る者にとって、本当に残念で、悲しく、苦い経験です。けれども聖書は語るのです。宣教のための残りの時間はわずかである。タイムリミットは迫っている。であればこそ、福音の恵みを最期の最後まで語りなさいと言うわけです。神のことばは真実です。神の祝福があるように。では、また明日このチャンネルでお会いしましょう。

Revelation 10.

1.there is no time left (10:1-7)
 The book of Revelation has a distinctive structure. Earlier we spoke of the prophecy of the plagues being repeated three times in a seven minute format. This is the case with the prophecies of the seals, the trumpets and the plagues of the bowls of wrath. There is another characteristic structure. In chapters 1, 4-5, and now in chapter 10, the heavenly events are recounted.
 Verse 1, where “another mighty angel” The earlier angel had cried out in chapter 5:2, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose the seals? The angel here has one foot in the sea and the other on the earth. The significance of this is that the message he is giving is for the whole world. But it was forbidden to write down what he shouted. The only thing he was allowed to do was to pass on the words ‘The time is over’.
 The Greek word translated ‘time’ here is chronos. It is the word for time passing. This would mean that there is no time left, that the end has come. Invasions, wars, famines, plagues and various recurring crises in human history were warnings. Mankind was expected to repent in the meantime. But this period is no longer extended. In chapter 6:10 the martyrs had asked God how long He would not judge them, and He will finally answer their question.
In verse 7 John describes what God is about to do as profound. The Greek word is mustelion, which means the so-called mystery, the hidden secrets. The word is commonly used in the religious, philosophical and martial arts worlds and means ‘deep mystery’ or ‘secret knowledge’. It can only be acquired by a very limited number of people. But this is not the case with the Bible. In fact, it was hidden for a long time, but is now being made known to all nations by Jesus. The apostle Paul spoke of it as the gospel, the content of which is not only the forgiveness of sins in Christ, but also that in Christ Gentile and Jew are made one (Ephesians 3:1-5). The same applies to John. The depths refer to the consummation of the church mentioned in chapter 7:9, where all peoples, nations, tongues and tribes are made one in Christ.
 So when he says that there is no time left, he is not saying that the countdown to the destruction of the earth has begun, but that the consummation of the Church is already near. Many people would take the message of Revelation to be exactly the opposite, that it is not about completion, but mainly about the message of destruction. However, we must not forget that Revelation is a book that first of all tries to tell its readers about good fortune, as we said in chapter 1.

  1. take and eat (10:8-11).
    In verse 8 John is told by a voice from heaven to approach the angel who speaks with a loud voice and receive the scroll in his hand. The angel then commands him to ‘take it and eat’. The old literal translation of the Bible is ‘devour it’, i.e. digest it completely and keep it for yourself. Bitter in the belly but sweet in the mouth’ is a phrase from the book of Ezekiel (3:1-3), and the Old Testament Jeremiah had the same experience. Of course, Jeremiah’s experience was not literal; it meant reading and tasting the Bible, which was an experience of enjoyment and pleasure (Jeremiah 15:16). But in this revelation it is not only sweet, it is also bitter. It is often said that this is because the message is also one of God’s wrath and judgement against those who do not repent. For those who believe and accept the forgiveness of their sins, it is a sweet and gentle word (Ps 19:9-10). But to those who reject it, it is a harsh accusation of sin and reveals its retribution (2 Corinthians 4:1).
     It should be noted, however, that it is bitter in the belly of John, who believes and accepts the forgiveness of sins. So this says more about the experience of the preacher of the gospel than about the effect of the gospel itself. In other words, he is saying that it is not so easy to speak repentance for sins to people, to be reviled, to be mocked, to experience such bitterness (Jeremiah 9).
     Certainly there are a lot of people who don’t want to hear about the forgiveness of sins, they don’t want it, they don’t want it, they die, that’s it, that’s it. That is a very unfortunate, sad and bitter experience for those who preach the gospel. But the Bible speaks. There is little time left for missionary work. Time is running out. That is why it tells us to speak the grace of the Gospel to the very end. The Word of God is true. May God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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