【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録19章 子羊の勝利【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

 11節からは王と天の軍勢による勝利が描かれます。12節「多くの王冠」は、ギリシャ語でディアディマ、勝利の冠ではなく、王の冠を意味します。いわゆる主権が神にあることを示しています。「名が記されていた」つまり名前をつけることも支配権を意味しています(創世記2:19)。13節、「 その方は血に染まった衣を着ていて、その名は「神のことば」と呼ばれた。」とあります。ヨハネの福音書でも、イエスは神のことばと表現されているので(1:1)白い馬に乗った方はイエスご自身と理解できます。イエスは裁きのために来たのです(9:39)。
Revelation 19: The Victory of the Lamb

  1. God’s Faithfulness Confirmed (19:1-5)
    In chapter 17, the great harlot appeared. She was a symbol of a great city that unleashed lust, such as the ancient Roman Empire or Babylon. In chapter 18, it was said that the great harlot would be destroyed by God’s judgment. In fact, the second half of chapter 18 describes the collapse and chaos of the city’s economic activity due to God’s judgment being brought to the great city. Thus, chapter 19 tells us that there is a God who truly does what is just. As already mentioned, Revelation has a structure in which judgment on earth and hope in heaven are spoken of alternately. Here, too, after the fall of Babylon the Great is spoken of, the victory of the Lamb in heaven is spoken of next.
  2. Worship in heaven
    We have seen scenes of worshiping God several times so far. First, in chapter 4, the 24 elders cast off the crowns of victory that they had been given and worshiped. Then in Chapter 7, the worship of Christians who have been called to heaven, represented by the 24 elders, is offered. In other words, the people gathered for worship are countless people from every nation, tribe, people, and language, and are those who have fought the good fight of faith.
    In the main part that follows, worship scenes are featured twice. First, in Chapter 11, the martyrs who were welcomed to heaven after suffering persecution confess in worship that they have been richly rewarded. Then in Chapter 14, virgins, that is, Christians who are pure in a spiritual sense, participate in worship. This means that the main part of the book depicts two types of Christians worshiping in heaven. One is a Christian who has fought the good fight of faith amidst persecution, and the other is a Christian who has lived in God’s holiness without being influenced by the world of pleasure and secularization, as described in detail in Chapters 17 and 18. So, Chapter 19 can be said to be a detailed description of Chapter 14.
    What is noteworthy is that it depicts the blessing of Christians who have established themselves spiritually as brides in heaven. The musician Bach composed the cantata BWV 140, “Awaken, A Voice Calls to Us,” using the Song of Songs from the Old Testament as material. It was a piece that superimposed the vision of the apocalyptic wedding feast depicted in Chapter 19 of the Song of Songs, a love poem from the Old Testament. However, earlier, a man named Philip Nicolai composed a chorale based on that vision. During the time of the plague, he was seized by a strong apocalyptic consciousness. While reading the Bible, he was comforted by the hope of resurrection in heaven and composed a chorale imagining a celebration to be held in the Kingdom of God. It is said that Bach composed his own cantata based on that work. However, the significance of Bach’s composition is that he interpreted the Song of Songs from the Old Testament from an eschatological perspective, making it a wedding hymn for Christians who have not fallen into idolatry and have maintained spiritual purity, and who will be welcomed into heaven as the bride of Christ. Chapter 19 depicts the splendor of that wedding, in which each and every believer is invited.

Verse 8 says that the brides of Christ are “granted” to wear shining, pure linen. A passive verb is used. And it is explained that the linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. This means that righteous deeds are not acquired by one’s own efforts, but are given by grace. This recalls the promise to the church of Sardis that those who overcome will be clothed in white garments (3:4).

  1. The Victory of the Lamb (19:11-21)

From verse 11 onwards, the victory of the King and the heavenly armies is described. Verse 12, “many crowns,” means diadyma in Greek, not a crown of victory, but a royal crown. It shows that so-called sovereignty belongs to God. “Names were written on him,” meaning that giving a name also means rulership (Genesis 2:19). Verse 13 says, “He was clothed with garments dipped in blood, and his name was called The Word of God.” In the Gospel of John, Jesus is also described as the Word of God (1:1), so we can understand that the rider on the white horse is Jesus himself. Jesus came to judge (9:39). In verse 17, “flying in midheaven” is translated as “flying in the high heavens” in the Common Translation(Kyodo-yaku). This probably means that he can see into everything. What the sovereign God commanded the bird was a thorough judgment. Earlier, there was a scene of a call to Armageddon, a battle (16:16). The record of the battle that followed is also depicted here (18-21). However, there is no detailed explanation. The important thing is that it is repeatedly stated that the power of God will wipe out the forces of evil. The day is near when justice will be accomplished and all accounts will be settled by the sovereign Lamb of God. That should be the conclusion so far. God’s Word is true. God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel. See you again tomorrow on this channel.


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