【シーズン6】1コリント人への手紙第一13章 愛の賛歌【聖書】人生100倍の祝福








1 Corinthians 13: A Hymn of Love

1 The Love of the Cross of Christ is the Center of the Church (13:1-3)

This chapter of the Bible has been called the “hymn of love” and has become a familiar part of the Bible. However, it is important to understand this passage not only in isolation, but also in the context of the preceding and following chapters. In other words, this passage is about the gift of love, which is a “more excellent gift” than the gifts of the Spirit that began in chapter 12. As we saw in chapter 11, the gifts of the Spirit included wisdom, faith, healing, miracles, discernment, support, and many others. These were spoken of as gifts given by God for the completion of the church. And the gift that the church should seek and desire even more is love, he said. Indeed, this is what makes the Christian Church unique. It is the love of the cross of Christ that can be heard only in the Christian Church and not in any other religion. This is what characterizes the Church as the Church of Christ.

2. What Love Is (13:4-8)

Beginning in verse 4, Paul lists 15 characteristics of the love of the cross of Christ. First of all, the love of the cross is characterized by patience with others, responding with good will even when treated badly, not being offended by the success of others, remembering one’s own shortcomings and being respectful, respecting courtesy and politeness, remembering the favor received from others rather than one’s own rights, having the ability to control one’s heart even when angry, to not count evil, that is, to forget the evil done by others; to seek the light rather than the darkness; to value truth; to have the strength to endure any insult, any rudeness, any disappointment; to interpret things with good intentions and to trust others; to never give up even when things go wrong and to always move forward; to be positive even when things go wrong; to be willing to do what is necessary to make things better; to be a good person even when it takes a lot of effort. To be able to always move forward, to never give up, even when things go wrong, and to approach things with a spirit of strength and perseverance. Now, the love that Jesus showed on the cross had a great impact and in itself gave light and hope to our hearts, but when we break down the content of the message, we often understand that this is what it is all about.

It is the Christian church that is taught this kind of love for the cross of Christ and taught to live and do things in this love. But that was not the church in Corinth at the time this letter was written. There were miracles, healings, amazing spiritual experiences, and what appeared to be an unmistakable religious community, but there was a sad and unfortunate reality of intolerance, unkindness, envy, boasting, pride, disrespect, selfishness, anger, injustice, untruth, unbelief, short temper, and a complete lack of the love of the cross of Christ, so to speak. The love of the cross is the most important thing in the world.

3. seek love (13:8-13)

In verse 11 Paul says let us grow up. We are supposed to grow up. If there is conflict and confusion in the church, it is because there are too many child believers. When we are reminded of this reality, somewhere along the way we must decide to become a faithful adult, to stop being jealous, thinking only of myself, and casting a critical eye on others, and to become a true servant of Christ, living in His love of the cross. Work with your spiritual leader, your pastor, for the perfection of the Church.


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