
Pastor Makoto’s Bible Reading a Chapter a Day. God’s Word is truth. It is a life-changing word. Today is Christmas Eve, and I have a special message about Jesus Christ.
First, let me tell you a little bit about Jesus Christ, whose life Christians believe in.
There are few records of Jesus’ childhood. However, it is believed that he grew up in a poor neighborhood called Nazareth, that his father Joseph died early, that he was a single mother and child, and that from early on he worked as a day laborer carpenter to help make ends meet. The only episode recorded in the Bible is an incident when he debated with the scribes in Jerusalem at the age of 12, and impressed them. This is not to say, however, that Jesus was a particularly brilliant man, but rather that he was a man who learned well when he should have learned, a serious child.
Jesus begins his missionary work at the age of 30. During this time, about three years before the crucifixion, Jesus testified by various miracles that He was God. The Gospel of John records seven representative miracles from among many miracles. On the other hand, Jesus was also fully human. The Bible records him receiving baptisms of repentance, which he did not need to receive, feeling tired and sad, and praying.
Both God and man, Jesus helped many people by preaching the essence of the Old Testament Law’s teaching of love, but he was eventually envied by the scribes and leaders of Israel and was crucified and killed.
To summarize Jesus’ last week, he spent three days in the temple after entering Jerusalem, doing temple cleansing and preaching, etc. There is no record of the fourth day, and on the fifth day, Jesus has the Last Supper with his disciples. Then, that night or late at night, He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, dragged through the official residence of Caiaphas, Pilate’s court, and Herod’s palace, sentenced to be crucified early on the morning of the sixth day, and crucified on Golgotha Hill at nine in the morning. He breathed his last at three in the afternoon, and his body was taken away and buried at six in the evening.
In addition, let’s talk about the trial of Jesus. Jesus was tried three times Jewishly and three times Romanically, for a total of six trials. The Jews were a Roman province and had no authority to impose the death penalty. So the Jews accused Jesus of sedition, of opposing the payment of taxes, and of rebelling against the Roman emperor as the Messiah, and demanded a trial before Pilate. Pilate, however, realized what the Jewish leaders were up to and decided that there was no crime worthy of death. However, he was defeated by the loud cries of the crowd for Jesus to be crucified and Pilate’s own weak heartedness to please the Jews, and he handed Jesus over to be crucified.
This was indeed a sad case. The procedure and the verdict were unjust, and the result was truly inexcusable. But Christians understand it differently. The apostle Paul said of the cross of Jesus that it was cursed by God. But it signifies a sacrifice for sin, a substitutionary death. He said that it frees us from the bondage of sin and gives us new life. Jesus himself also taught his disciples in advance the meaning of his death, saying that this was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy.
CS Lewis, a professor at Oxford University in England and the well-known author of The Chronicles of Narnia, wrote a book called The Essence of Christianity. He said, “How can a man be a great moral teacher if he says the kind of things Jesus said? He would either be a lunatic or a demon from hell. You must decide what choice you will make. Either this man was and is the Son of God, or he is a lunatic or even worse.”
Today is Christmas Eve. It is the eve of Jesus’ birth. I think. If I had lived in those days, I am sure that I would have joined the crowd in shouting for Jesus to be crucified. But I believe that Jesus is the one who forgives me, the worst of sinners, and gives me a new life. Jesus is the true Son of God, who followed God’s plan to save mankind even to death.
God’s Word is true. May God bless you this Christmas. If any of you in the audience would like to know more about Jesus, please come to a church near you. If you are not sure which church is best for you, please email us. We will be happy to refer you. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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