【シーズン6】コリント人への手紙第二6章 神のしもべとして受け入れる【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













Second Corinthians Chapter 6 Accepting God as Your Servant

1. To Live as Servants of God (6:1-13)

Paul begins his speech by continuing what he said yesterday, first saying that he hopes everyone will receive the grace to be reconciled to God. He then looks back on his past efforts and says that he has worked in the hope that his ministry of communicating this grace would not be an obstacle to it.

Paul repeats in three beatitudes the circumstances in which he was placed as an evangelist: “in tribulation, affliction, and distress,” “in scourging, in prison, and in tumult,” and “in weariness, in sleeplessness, and in inability to eat. What he is trying to say is that it is at times when we are weakest, when we are easily carried away by things, that he, as God’s servant, have been faithful to God’s mission. He did this so that the Word of God would not be distracted.

Paul also says that he not only passively tried to avoid condemnation and criticism, but also actively lived a life that imitated Christ in “purity,” “forbearance,” and “kindness” (vv. 6, 7, 8). For example, purity, not only being incorruptible, but keeping purity. Also “knowledge”, not being influenced by the world’s way of thinking, but living a Christian life that is well thought out and reasonable. And “tolerance,” being reasonable but not overbearing. He would preach his convictions as convictions, but with a gentle patience toward others. Kindness” means acting with the hearts of others in mind. He also relied on the “Holy Spirit” as Christ did. He did not act from his own strength, but as if everything depended on God’s grace. He also valued “love without lies” and “the word of truth. And what, one might ask, are the “weapons of righteousness in his right and left hands”? Later, in Ephesians 6:10-18, it is spelled out again. His point is that when he had to fight, he did not retreat, but fought.

Every word of Paul is admirable. But I also feel that if we could live our lives in such a way, we would feel much better at the time of our death.

The other day, I met a friend of mine who returned from Israel with her family after a long absence. My friend’s children, who are now in high school, told me many things about the current situation. What left a deep impression on me was when the child told me about her heart’s desire when she got on a train in Japan. She said that when she saw children of the same age chatting and laughing in the seats in front of her, she felt herself coming to some completely different world. Bombings, killings, torture, the folding bodies, the deaths of classmates and classmates’ families, and her own military duty two years later, indeed, as I listened to her story, my heart ached that she had come from a completely different world from that of the Japanese high school students.

Paul’s enemies wanted to kill him at every opportunity. It may be a taking peace for granted of faith to think that the words of Paul, who lived with such murderous intent at his back, are too admirable. Paul was serious.

He told the Corinthian church that he was not a deceiver (v.8). He too was always in danger, involved in riots, imprisoned, and looked like someone who might be in trouble. But he says that this is not so, and that he wants the people of the church in Corinth to accept what he is saying, now that he is speaking with his heart exposed.

2. Paul’s admonition (6:14-18)

Finally, Paul makes several recommendations to the people of the church in Corinth. First, he says that they should stop pagan worship and break with false apostles. v. 14, “the yoke of division,” has often been interpreted and applied as a warning against marrying unbelievers. However, this does not seem to be Paul’s intent. He is telling us not to participate in pagan worship, but to recognize false messengers and break with them. In other words, Paul wants us to accept him as the true apostle.

Jesus told us that among the shepherds there are good shepherds and bad shepherds. Certainly it is important for believers, who are the sheep, to know who to listen to and follow. Paul tells us to recognize the good shepherd and to stay away from pagan worship and bad lifestyle habits.


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