【シーズン6】ピリピ人への手紙2章 キリストの模範に従い救いを完成する【聖書】人生100倍の祝福





2. 自分の救いを達成する(2:12-18)







Pastor Makoto reads the Bible one chapter a day. God’s word is true. It changes our lives. Today I want to talk to you from Philippians chapter 2.

Philippians 2: Following Christ’s Example for the Completion of Salvation

1. The problem (division) of the church in Philippi (2:1-17)

Paul was proud of the church at Philippi. Paul was proud of the church in Philippi because their missionary cooperation was exemplary. However, the church at Philippi had its own problems. It was not only the churches in Corinth and Galatia that had problems. Wherever people gather, there are bound to be problems. And Christians are different. Some are mature and some are not. As a practical matter, conflict within the church is probably inevitable.

The important thing is not to condemn the church for not being a church, but rather to see the reality of the church as it is, and to be transformed from this imperfection into a church that lives in the love of Christ and is perfected. There is no perfect church anywhere. Therefore, those who criticize and leave the church will repeat the same thing unless they realize their own challenges.

So Paul says in verse 1, I want you also to strive to be “of one mind and of one piece” in Christ. Above all, he says, put away self-centered thoughts and try to live in the mind of Christ, our Master (vv. 5-11). For did not Christ, though he was God, leave the way of being God and become exactly like man, even following him to the death of the cross? The disciple of Christ must first follow this example of Christ. Criticizing and opposing others is the very life of the old sinner. Is not the new life in Christ a life lived in the mind of Christ? Then there will be no more conflict and discord in the Church! That is why we are here. 2.

2. Reach Your Salvation (2:12-18)

Paul then confirms an important attitude for believers. It is to be concerned about one’s own faith, not the faith of others. Jesus taught Peter, who was worried about his rival John, to follow me. It is the consummation of your own salvation that you must be concerned about.

So verse 13 says that God wills and allows us to do what we want to do. And He tells us to do it without complaining or doubting. This is an important point. This is a suggestion of Rev. Makoto. For the completion of your salvation, why don’t you ask to be given a service for the church you belong to? By doing the service you are given with all your heart and care, you will learn to serve the church and be challenged to grow in faith. For example, cleaning the church building. To clean the church building is to sweep our hearts clean, and with that in mind, we do it carefully and diligently. Even if it is an old congregation, a meticulously maintained congregation is different.

Bible reading is not deepened by simply going through the Bible. We need a place to practice what we have read and been taught. Cleaning, in particular, is often taken for granted and rarely praised or appreciated. But even so, there is no reason why the spirituality of such a believer should not grow as a service to God who watches in the shadows, who willingly, wholeheartedly, and carefully continues to do this well. That would be much more rewarding than attending a spirituality seminar.

3 Plans for the future (2:19-30)

Finally, Paul writes about his future plans: to send Timothy soon and to send Epaphroditus back. Paul says that both Timothy and Epaphrodite are living examples of the mind of Christ. What Christians have that others do not have is the attitude of living in the mind of Christ. While everyone seeks his own approval, his own good feelings, the Christian lives for the glory of Christ, not for himself. In doing so, he inadvertently testifies to himself as the Son of God and the light of the world.

The word of God is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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