I Peter, Chapter 2: Obedience to Christ
1. Seek Holiness
When you become a Christian, the first character you should pursue is holiness. No one can speak on this subject better than Peter. He is the one who witnessed Jesus’ holiness more clearly than anyone else at the Transfiguration. So Peter makes a specific recommendation. Peter specifically exhorts us to “put away malice, hypocrisy, envy and evil speaking” (2:1). This is because one’s holiness is manifested in one’s daily life, in one’s state of mind, in one’s attitude, in one’s way of living.
Therefore, we should not just throw it away, but actively seek it. To do this, we must seek the “pure milk of the Spirit,” that is, the Word of God, for our growth as babies. Always have time to spend with God, just as even Jesus always retired to a lonely place to pray alone. This is the secret of building a holy character.
And to live into a new self-image. Peter is another person who met Jesus and was given a new self-image. Peter’s original name was Kepha, which means “treasured son. He was called a “treasured son,” but he must have lived his life with a sense of failure. From Kepha, however, Jesus gave the name Peter, “the keystone. It is an image that gives substance to the name “treasured son. And Peter would indeed become the keystone that would lead the early church. From this reminder, Peter also gives the reader a new
2. new self-image (2:1-12)
The first of these is “living stone”, “keystone”. You are not a stone to be discarded, but an indispensable part of it. And second, “the chosen one”. One might think. Some may think, “I am happy to be called that, but I am far from that image. But God’s election has nothing to do with birth, or with the abilities or status one is born with or acquires. In fact, even Paul says that we were chosen by God before we were born, or even before this earth was formed (Ephesians 1:4). God cares more about our very existence than our abilities.
Peter also offers the image of a “priest. You are a priest even if you are not a pastor. This is well understood when we recall the three main duties of a priest. The duties of a priest are to pray, to offer sacrifices, and to intercede. This is an important ministry of all believers, to pray in the Church, to offer ourselves in service, and to connect people to God. And “holy people. That is, those who pursue holiness. For Peter, the events on Mount Transfiguration, where he was experientially taught about God’s holiness, were unforgettable (Mark 9:2-8). It is something that is never found in human society. We are to live toward the holiness that only God possesses. We cannot attain God’s holiness by improving our own character. It is a change that cannot take place without living in a “people made God’s own,” a people in deep union with God (Romans 8:38-39).
And “those who have received mercy. No one tasted the depth of Jesus’ compassion more than Peter. Jesus knew very well that Peter would betray him. But He raised Peter with great care. God loves us with a good understanding of our nature. Finally, we should be aware that we are “sojourners” (v. 11, 12). We are sojourners in this world. We are to abstain from the lusts of the flesh and act positively and honorably. Living in this new cell image will change our lives.
3. Living in God’s Holiness in the Present World (2:13-25)
Beginning in verse 13, Peter addresses his persecuted brothers and sisters, encouraging them first to be good citizens (vv. 13-17) and workers (vv. 18-25). Importantly, they are commanded to submit to all institutions except when they are commanded to sin (vv. 13, 14). He tells us to obey not only good and kind masters, but also evil masters.
Obey not only good and kind masters, but also evil masters, for God will ultimately correct all evil and work out a good plan for us. Christian obedience is not aimless, aimless perseverance. It is an obedience that expects good results from God’s work. When we obey Christ and share in His death, we also share in His resurrection (v. 21).
God’s Word is true. May God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel.