Revelation 16: Armageddon
- The Last Judgment (16:1-12)
Earlier, we mentioned that the main body of Revelation (chapters 4-16) is composed of three parts: the seven seals (6:1-8:5), the seven trumpets (8:6-15:8), and the seven bowls (16:1-21). Traditionally, many books have been published that explain this relationship as the three judgments occurring in succession in stages (for example, Alfred T. Ead, “Bible Panorama,” Word of Life Press). However, this way of thinking has now been revised. This is because, if you read them carefully, you will notice some interesting overlaps. First, the scene showing the end of the world depicted in the seven bowls (16:20) does not appear here for the first time. It is already mentioned in the seven seals section of 6:12. In other words, the disasters of the two judgments are not separate but have overlapping contents. Therefore, as I mentioned earlier, the relationship between these three parts can be easily understood by comparing them to a TV drama, that is, the relationship between the preview, the main story, and the review. In other words, chapter 16 corresponds to the end of the program, where the theme song and memorable scenes from the drama are played again.
However, the content is even more intense. In the preview, the disaster was limited to one-quarter of the earth, and in the main story it was limited to one-third (8:10), but in this review it affects the entire earth. In other words, if we compare it to a fire, the main story shows a scene of a house burning, and in the review we are shown the ruins.
In any case, looking back on these events, John emphasizes the righteousness (verse 5) and faithfulness (verse 7) of the Lord. He then points out that the outcome was due to the blasphemy against God and stubborn refusal to repent of their actions (verses 9, 11, and 21). The contents of the bowl that was actually poured out were “the prayers of the saints” (5:8). In other words, these disasters are God’s response to the appeals of the martyrs (6:10) and the prayers of Christians. All the prayers stored up for God as incense have now been settled by God (Romans 12:20). No prayer is forgotten before God.
Everyone believes that they will eventually die. However, many people do not believe in God’s judgment. However, without God’s judgment, I feel that a sense of helplessness would arise. Immanuel Kant, an ancient philosopher, said, “Without God and the hope of an afterlife, no matter how noble a moral ideal may be, people will agree and admire it, but it will not motivate them to intend and act in that way.” Without God’s absolute justice and judgment, morality is just a dream. John, who was taken up to heaven and saw a vision of God, declares in verse 7 that God’s judgment is not the desire of Christians, but the truth.
- Armageddon (16:13-21)
Now, in verse 16, the word Armageddon appears. In the past, this word was used in movie titles and by new religious groups as a synonym for the final world war, and many people may not have a very good impression of it.
The word “Har” in Armageddon means mountain in Hebrew, and “Magedon” is a transliteration of the Hebrew “Megiddo.” From this, Armageddon is understood to mean “Mountain of Megiddo.” However, there is no mountain in Megiddo in Israel. So, some interpret this as Irumagedon by slightly changing the meaning. If it becomes “Ir,” it means “town of Megiddo.” This is because there is a town in Megiddo. It is an important base for trade and military on the main road from Phoenicia to Egypt. It was also considered an important strategic base that would decide the outcome of the war. So Armageddon was often interpreted as the place where the final world war would occur.
However, if you read it carefully, you will see that although the army is gathered here, no battle scenes are depicted. Moreover, after Babylon is destroyed (verse 19), the final scene begins immediately with “the islands fled away, and the mountains were no longer found” (verse 20). In other words, the battle scene is omitted. Chapter 16 is a retrospective chapter that simply connects together memorable scenes, so the battle scene after the end of the army must be written somewhere in the main story. If you look at the main story in this way, it is chapter 12.
It describes the battle between the dragon and the woman that took place in the invisible world, and the dragon being defeated and cast down to the earth. Incidentally, in 20:11 it says, “The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no trace of them left,” and the previous verses 7-10 describe the destruction of the devil. As I will explain later, it seems that these are connected. In any case, this Armageddon symbolically speaks of the place where the army will end, and does not speak of the final war of the world.
The important thing is that the worldview of the Bible is dualistic. Ordinary people see the world in a one-dimensional way. They live thinking that the visible world is everything. However, the Bible assumes that there is another world that you do not know, that is, a dualistic worldview in which there is an invisible God, there are beings called demons and Satan, and dead people exist as sleeping spirits. The current visible world will eventually end, but the world in which God exists is eternal. Moreover, it tells us that Satan, or beings called demons, will be banished from that world forever, and those who have received Jesus’ forgiveness of sins and have been changed will be invited. The Bible tells us that the world will not end with destruction, but that God’s justice will be brought to all human beings, the accounts will be balanced, and the day of grace of rest will come. God’s word is true. May God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you again tomorrow on this channel.