1. seven seals to be opened (6:1-7)
Revelation, as a literary genre, is classified as apocalyptic literature. Simply put, it is a kind of parable, a literary technique that tries to convey what it wants to say through images. Therefore, the principle is to understand it in terms of the whole picture, without getting too hung up on the details.
So in today’s passage, as Jesus opens the seals of the scroll, one mysterious event after another takes place. The first seal reveals a white horse, the second a red horse, the third a black horse, the fourth a pale horse, the fifth a martyr, and finally, when the sixth seal is opened, a devastating picture is described that seems to be the end of the world. Then, after everything has collapsed, the stage shifts to heaven and a heavenly scene is described. In other words, the first four images describe what happens on earth, and the last two describe what happens in heaven.
Roughly speaking, what happens every time the seven seals are opened is exactly what has happened and will happen in the future. For example, the rider of the white horse is given a bow and a crown, and he goes out to win victory after victory. This probably gave readers of the time an image of the Parthians, who used the bow as a powerful weapon and rode horses to threaten the Roman Empire. The Roman army suffered a humiliating defeat in 62 AD when it clashed with an army led by Borogis the Parthian on the eastern frontier. Human history is full of invasions, as it always has been and always will be.
The next “red” horse is an image of war, of people killing each other to take peace from the earth. The Greek word for “red” is not kokkinos, which means the red of red wine, but buros, which means the color of burning fire. The word “kill” means “slaughter” or “butcher. Indeed, the history of mankind is one of sad and violent slaughter.
Black is a symbol of famine in Judaism. The horseman holds a “balance” in his hand. In the Old Testament, the weighing of bread signifies an extreme lack of food. In other words, it speaks of famine, another reality that has been repeated in human history. At that time, a koinique of wheat, or about a liter, was enough food for a man for a day, and a denarius was a day’s wages, or enough food to sustain one after a day’s hard work. But with barley for cattle, you could buy three liters, which would feed a family of three. In any case, the situation tells us that they can barely survive on a daily basis.
On the other hand, olive oil and wine are interpreted in different ways, but if they are understood as luxuries, then there are countries like Japan where people eat “100 million omusubi kororin” and other countries where people eat rocks and suffer from famine, which shows the contradictory gap between rich and poor in the world.
The “pale” in “pale horse” is the Greek word for chlorosis, the pale complexion of the sick, the color of bloodlessness. It says that the rider was death and that he was accompanied by a yoke. It is the image of the spread of a deadly disease or epidemic, the Spanish flu, the Corona (Covid-19), and human history has been a repetition of this image. But it is still limited. It is frightening, but we have not yet reached the final stage of the sixth seal.
2. what happens in heaven (6:9-17)
Now, as the fifth seal is opened, John’s perspective shifts from earth to heaven. And a very strange scene unfolds. In heaven, the martyrs, persecuted and killed, are desperate and crying out. They look down from heaven to the earth and, unable to bear the continuing turmoil on the earth and the addition of more victims, they cry out to God: “How long will you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth? He vehemently protests to God that he wants the injustice of the world to be corrected (v. 10). Certainly, if you watch old movies like Quo Vadis and Ben-Hur, you can understand the severity of the persecution of that time.
But God gives the martyrs white robes and tells them to rest a little longer. The white robe is a symbol of righteousness and victory, and God tells them to wait, not to take vengeance with the hammer of wrath, but to judge righteously.
When the sixth seal is broken, the sun turns black, the moon turns blood, the stars fall from the sky, and an impossible situation unfolds. In short, this is the last scene of the world. It is a terrible situation. The kings of the earth, the bureaucrats, the heads of the armies, the rich, the heroes, the slaves, everyone will be afraid, frightened, and flee. This is the day of the wrath of God and of the Lamb. It is truly an extraordinary situation, because the Lamb, who is meek and gentle by nature, will be wrathful. But for those who believe and follow the Lord, it is a result not to be feared at all. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.