【シーズン6】ローマ人への手紙8章 神のいのちの祝福【聖書】人生100倍の祝福










Romans 8: God’s Blessing of Life

1. Living in the Spirit of Life (8:1-17)

In the legal world, there is a principle that a person should not be judged twice for the same crime. The same is true in God’s judgment. As sinners, we should have received God’s wrath, curse, and punishment. But Jesus took our place and bore that punishment on the cross. We, who should have suffered this judgment with Jesus, will never again be dragged before the judgment seat of God. Our sins are completely forgiven.

Moreover, we have been given the new life of Jesus’ resurrection, the Spirit of God. Our hearts still have a carnal nature. But we have also been given the life of the Spirit. The important thing is to nurture this life of the Spirit. The fleshly nature is hostile to God and always inclined to evil. The life of the Spirit, on the other hand, loves God, delights in God, and desires to live in God’s will. The important thing is to recognize this life and carefully nurture it in the habit of familiarity with God’s Word.

Therefore, even if we think we are dead or finished, we must believe that the Spirit will resurrect us, just as He resurrected Jesus (v. 11). Do not be forever corrupt in the thoughts of your own flesh. We are to come out of the grave at Jesus’ invitation, like Lazarus, who came out four days after his death, smelling of putrefaction and bandaged. Believing in Christ is more than becoming a Christian. It is about believing in God’s grace and actively living a new life. It is about building up a series of joyful experiences that make our lives overflow with God’s life and grace.

2. The Restoration of the Whole World and God’s Protection (8:18-39)

Now Paul turns to verse 18 and changes the reader’s perspective. He has them turn from man to all of God’s creatures on this earth. The salvation that the Bible speaks of is not just the salvation of man. It is the restoration not only of man, but also of nature, the whole creation.

Indeed, this world that God created and found so good and pleasing has been trampled and destroyed by the rampant sins of man. The oceans are being polluted by the plastic garbage that man selfishly throws away, and marine life is being harmed and dying. This is becoming an extremely serious problem that affects not only the sea creatures but also us, the people who eat them. People are passionate about environmental movements, but if the people doing the movements do not change, it will be the same. Just as wars will never end unless people recognize their own war-prone sin nature, repent, and are born again through the life of Jesus, even if they are involved in peace movements. The peaceful use of nuclear energy is also impossible. I believe that the environmental movement must be linked to the salvation of human souls in order to make progress. It makes sense that the Bible speaks of the restoration of the environment only after the salvation of human souls. It is also well understood that this is the completion of salvation (v. 25).

And it is also well understood that the Bible speaks of its realization as the Spirit of Life given by God, beginning in verse 26. For there can be no restoration of the environment without the restoration of man.

The Spirit of God helps those who believe and works all things for good. Moreover, this Spirit is never taken away. God does not save us once and then stop, because He did not forgive us for this sin or that sin or any other sin we can remember in our lives, but He accepted us as we are: sinful people. In other words, God has accepted and loved us without question. That cannot be undone. Let us thank God and step out together into a life in which we and the world will be restored.


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