【シーズン6】使徒の働き9章 サウロの回心【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













Acts 9 Saul’s Conversion

1. Saul’s Conversion (9:1-9)

According to the vision of the risen Jesus, the gospel began in Jerusalem and spread throughout Judea and Samaria and even to the ends of the earth (1:8). To this end, the twelve apostles, including Matthew, John, Peter, and Thomas, among others, probably each had an important ministry. However, what we can know today about the situation at that time is that the mission was centered on Paul. It is important to remember somewhere that Paul is not everything.

Anyway, chapter 9 tells us the circumstances of how one of the key players in the mission of the early church, Saul, also known as Paul, became a follower of Jesus.

At first he was an opponent of Jesus. However, he is transformed by the experience of a direct encounter with Jesus. He realizes that Jesus who died on the cross is still alive, and that although the cross was a curse from God, it was a curse not on Jesus but on us, and that Jesus died a substitutionary death to bring us salvation. Saul thus becomes a preacher of Jesus.

The conversion of Saul is very dramatic. It is not the experience of an ordinary person. However, people experience salvation in different ways. Some, like Paul, hear God’s voice directly or have a supernatural experience of being surrounded by the light of God’s presence, while others, like the Ethiopian eunuch, read the Bible rationally and come to faith with a rational understanding. Others, like Timothy, may come to faith as a result of three generations of family members passing on the faith. However they come to faith, they all have one thing in common: they believe in the cross of Jesus as the forgiveness of their sins.

2 The ministry of Ananias (9:10-19)

In 1855, a minister named Edward Kimbal led a young boy to salvation. That boy was D.L. Moody, who would go on to found the Moody Bible Institute and influence the world. Moody’s work is remembered by many, but no one remembers Kimbal’s name. The same was true of Anania.

But regardless of our fame, God uses a believer to develop a work beyond our imagination. We may never know the results of our work. But whatever the work is, it is a part of the work of Christ that weaves it together and brings it to completion. It will be something we will want to treasure. Every Christian is entrusted with an important work of God.

3 The training of Saul (9:20-31).

Now Saul immediately began to evangelize. Saul, who had been a fierce persecutor of Christians, changed and became a preacher of Jesus. But verse 23 says, “After a considerable number of days. Galatians 1:15-17 describes the circumstances here. Apparently he went to Arabia and returned to Damascus. He is then prevented from evangelizing in Damascus (2 Corinthians 11:32) and spends three years fleeing to Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Tarsus. He also spent three years in Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Tarsus.

4. Peter’s mission (9:32-43)

Finally, Peter’s activities are described. Peter emphasized the authority of the Lord to Aeneas, saying, “Jesus will heal you. He also said to Tabitha, “Tabitha! Get up,” he commanded by the authority of the Lord. Indeed, we, the servants of the Lord, are to do the work of a living copy of Jesus. It is said that the son of a frog is like a frog, but if you are truly the Son of God, born by the power of God, this is the inevitable result. Through our daily words and deeds, Jesus is known, Jesus is felt, and the power of Jesus is manifested, which was the mission of the early church. I pray that today will be another good day.


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