2 Corinthians Chapter 4: Servant of God, Be an Earthen Vessel
1. To be dedicated to being earthen vessels (4:1-7)
The work of the church is the work of God. Every pastor and every member of the church serves the work of God. And Paul said that it is a very glorious work. Paul said that it is a great honor because we are called to the work of God even though we are not worthy of such a work. In fact, Paul thought that he was set up as an evangelist because of God’s great mercy and God’s gracious calling.
This is the Paul who used to imprison, hurt, and persecute Christians as soon as he found them. It was even said of him that such a man should not be allowed to live. He must have been well aware of this. In spite of this past, he was called to the work of God. God, regardless of the stain on Paul’s life, continued to work through him a wonderful miracle of life, a work of saving grace. Paul sees that the work of God’s grace that happened to him is happening to others, and that those who worship God and are transformed by Him are multiplying. For this he can only thank God.
Of course, there are times when evangelism is less fruitful. But that is in the deep will of God, and we only serve that less fruitful work. The important thing would be to be a faithful worker, leaving all cares behind and simply recommending Christ (v. 5).
The evangelist of Christ is just a humble truck. The truck may look ordinary, but the cargo is the treasure of Christ. And when we unload and hand over this treasure of Christ, those who need to be saved will be saved. If someone is not saved, it may be because they are not ready, and there is nothing else to do but leave an absentee delivery. It is not something to worry about every time one’s ability or approach is not good enough. Those who want to be saved will be saved.
2. You may be perplexed, but you are not lost (4:8-20).
Consider, for example, the blessing of Abraham in the Old Testament. Abraham was called by God one day and told to go without knowing where he was going. It was an unexpected divine calling for him, and all he was asked to do was to be faithful to God’s calling. However, God’s blessing did not come as he had hoped, and he simply grew older. His fertility was diminished to the point that he had no children, and just when he thought he would never have children again, he was given an heir, Isaac.
The pastor and the church simply do what God does. God knows the strength and nature of each of us and calls us to work, so we should do our best without worrying. He also says that even if we are actively persecuted and killed, we should not be discouraged. Even if you are tormented from all sides, even if you are at a loss, you will not get stuck in evangelism. For it is God’s work, and it is done according to His will (v. 11).
Paul is not bluffing when he says this. In fact, at this time Paul was imprisoned in Ephesus and undergoing a trial in which he was forced to fight a beast (1 Corinthians 15:32). Yet through it all, Paul speaks to his readers with unwavering conviction. God is working all things for your good. And that grace will be extended to more and more people, that thanksgiving will abound, and that God’s glory will be revealed (v. 15). Let us continue our missionary work with humility and diligence.
May God bless you all. If you are in Futakotamagawa in Setagaya, please come and hear the message in person. See you tomorrow on this channel.