【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書21章 終末のメッセージ


当時、ユダヤの宗教家のグループは、大きくサドカイ派とパリサイ派の二つに分かれていました。同じ宗教で、同じ聖書を使いながら、二つの宗派の考え方は全く真逆でした。しかしイエスは、この二つの宗派のいずれでもない、さらに別の考え方を示すのです。 そもそも律法学者と呼ばれる人々は、バビロン捕囚と呼ばれる歴史的事件の後に生まれた宗教的な指導者層です。BC6世紀、バビロンに滅ぼされたイスラエルの人々は、バビロンに強制移住させられていきます。結果、神殿でいけにえをささげる祭儀的な宗教を彼らは捨てざるを得ませんでした。そして異教の国バビロンで、新しく発達したのが、会堂で聖書を教え学ぶスタイル、つまり今日のプロテスタント教会のような神のことばを中心とする礼拝儀式であったのです。そこから、神のことばである律法を筆写し、写本を作ったり、それに注釈を加えたり、さらにこれを教える律法学者と呼ばれる宗教的な指導者層が起こるわけです。そしてペルシア帝国によってバビロン捕囚から解放された後、彼らはエルサレムに帰還し、神殿を再建し、いけにえをささげる儀式宗教を復活させましたが、このバビロン時代に作られた律法を中心とする会堂礼拝も継続されていくのです。






Luke 21: The End-time Message

1. beware of the pretentious religious people (21:1-4)

 At that time, there were two main groups of Jewish religious people: the Sadducees and the Pharisees. Although they were of the same religion and used the same Bible, the two sects were completely opposite in their thinking. Jesus, however, presents a different view that is neither of these two sects.

 In the first place, those who are called scribes are a group of religious leaders who emerged after the historical event known as the Babylonian Captivity in the 6th century BC, when the people of Israel were destroyed by the Babylonians and forced to emigrate to Babylon. As a result, they were forced to abandon their ritualistic religion of offering sacrifices in the temple. In the pagan land of Babylon, a new style of worship developed in which the Bible was taught and studied in the synagogues, a style of worship centered on the Word of God, similar to today’s Protestant churches. From there, there arose a class of religious leaders called the scribes, who copied the Law, the Word of God, made manuscripts, added commentaries to it, and taught it. After the Babylonian captivity was liberated by the Persian Empire, they returned to Jerusalem, rebuilt the temple, and revived the ritual religion of sacrifices, but they also continued the congregational worship centering on the Law that had been established during the Babylonian era.

As Jerusalem was rebuilt and Israel became independent and self-governing, it became a political faction, with the Sadducees, a liberal group, and the Pharisees, a conservative group that tried to faithfully practice the Bible. But in any case, their faith was superficial. Already in chapter 19, Jesus pointed out the problem. 2:46, namely, they liked to attract people’s attention. Moreover, at that time, they were the kind of people who preyed on widows by helping to mediate the division of property among divorced women and demanding a lot in return. They were hypocritical religious people who acted religiously and piously. Jesus tells them to be wary of such religious people and believers who are conscious of the eyes of others, and to pay attention to those who offer the two lepta coppers from their hearts, to a pure faith that is only conscious of God.

2. the message of the end times

And if we truly value our faith to remember God and live before Him, we will understand Jesus’ sermon on the end of the world from verse 5 onward. As I said in yesterday’s blog, if we say we believe in God but deny the resurrection of the dead, spiritual existence, and the Kingdom of God, there is no point in having faith. Faith that does not stand on the conviction that we will eventually return to God and stand before Him, that history has a beginning and an end, and that human beings are eternal beings, is meaningless. We must not cheapen our faith to the point of thinking of it as a means to earthly gain.

Also, many people may feel uneasy when we talk about apocalyptic matters. However, the Bible’s concern is not so much to incite the reader’s fear of the end of history as to convince him of the hope of rest and faith in it. v. 9 “When you hear of wars and riots, do not be afraid.” I am not alone in feeling that Japan is also involved in the world wars when I read the newspapers. With the shadow of nuclear weapons flickering in the air, some of you may be worried about what would happen if a world-ending war were to really break out. However, do not be alarmed. For those who believe in God, the time of the end is the time of the completion of God’s plan of salvation and the realization of the blessing of rest. It is the time when this absurd world will finally come to an end, when all accounts will be settled, and God’s justice will be done. That is why we say, “Arise, lift up your heads, for your redemption is near. For your redemption is near” (v. 28). Not to be upset, but to live each day more productively, as usual, even in the midst of that crisis-constraining situation.

Verse 34, the Christian church has been waiting for this time of Christ’s return for 2000 years. It is because God’s plan has been delayed for the salvation of many. People will live forever, and it will be the life of man, including after death. Let us believe in God!


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