【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書23章 イエスの十字架の死 









Luke 23: The Death of Jesus on the Cross

1. the trial of Jesus (23:1-25)

 In the preceding 22:66, Jesus clearly spoke of Himself as the Messiah, that is, the Savior of all mankind. This was the conclusion of the debate over Jesus’ authority that began in earnest with the cleansing of the Temple in 19:45. Jesus is the Messiah, the true Son of God. The religious leaders of the time were not only uncomfortable with this description of Jesus, but were furious and wanted to execute him as a blasphemer.

So, in verse 1, they bring Jesus to Pilate to be crucified in a Roman-style trial. How would Theophilo, the first reader of this Gospel, have felt about this ending? I wonder what he would have thought of Jesus’ claim. The religious leaders of the time could have ignored Jesus’ claims as absurd, but they moved violently to eliminate him.

Jesus was crucified at 9:00 AM. Considering the time of the flogging, the journey to the place of execution, and the preparation time, Pilate was roused very early in the morning and forced to stand trial. In other words, the execution was rushed through, skipping all the usual trial procedures. Jesus was accused of a triple crime. He was accused of seducing the people, of violating the law by opposing the payment of taxes, and of treason against the Roman emperor who claimed to be the Messiah. But Pilate, sitting at the trial, while examining Jesus, said, verse 14, “No charges were found against him.” Verse 15, he concludes, “This man has done nothing worthy of death.” Still, in verse 21, the people who accused Jesus do not relent in their obstinacy, and no longer, as if pushed by the illogical crowd mentality, Jesus’ crucifixion is confirmed, and he is led to the execution site.

2. the crucifixion of Jesus (23:26-56)

From verse 26 onward, several episodes on the way to the cross are described. Women who were grieving over the crucifixion of Jesus followed him. Jesus tells these women to grieve for them. It became a prophecy of the Roman occupation of Jerusalem that took place in AD 70 (Luke 20:20-24). At that time, the Romans forced the Jews to surrender to their enemies. It was indeed a disastrous defeat. The men in the siege deprived the women and children of food, and even became insane eating the flesh and drinking the blood of women and children. Jesus prophesied that if the Romans were going to crucify the “living tree,” the innocent Jesus, they would do even more gruesome things to the “dead tree,” the Jews who had become their enemies, and that is exactly what happened.

We are also reminded of Jesus’ attitude toward the robbers who were crucified with Him: in verse 39, one of the robbers is unrepentant and accuses Jesus to the end. The other robber, however, recognizes Jesus as his Savior and repents. The other robber, however, repents and acknowledges Jesus as his Savior, because he believes that the life of a human being includes the afterlife. He sought God’s mercy on his fate after death. It may seem to ask too much to repent and go to heaven at the moment of death, but Jesus did not hesitate to show mercy to this man. And yet, Jesus did not hesitate to show mercy to this man as he was about to breathe his last breath after being subjected to absurd treatment. Jesus lived as a Savior right up to the very end.

The centurion who witnessed all this murmurs in verse 47, “Truly this was a righteous man. Matthew and Mark record that the centurion recognized Jesus as the “Son of God. Luke probably meant to paraphrase it as “the righteous man” in order to tell Theophilus that Jesus’ life was a perfectly righteous walk, worthy to be called the Son of God. What do you think of this Jesus who calls himself the Son of God? I wish you a good day today.


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