【シリーズ6】使徒の働き28章 ローマでの宣教【聖書】人生100倍の祝福











Acts 28 Mission to Rome

1. The incident on the island of Malta (28:1-10)

Paul’s group was led by the hand of God to the island of Malta. Malta means a place of refuge in Phoenician. It was indeed a refuge for them. The islanders were very kind to them. It was the winter season, so the warmth must have been heartwarming to those who were exhausted from the two-week storm.

But then an incident occurred: in verse 3, a louse crawled out of the firewood and got stuck in Paul’s hand. When the islanders saw this, they feared that Paul was a murderer. And this man thought that even though he had escaped the storm, the goddess of vengeance would put an end to Paul. But Paul just shook off the pit viper without a care in the world. The people of the island began to think that Paul was a god. Furthermore, when Paul healed the island’s sick, including the island’s governor, Publius, they showed their respect for Paul’s group and decided to stay on the island for three months.

It is interesting to note that for these miracle stories Luke uses the Greek word iaoimai (verse 8), which means healing, and therapeuō(verse9), which means healing by medical procedures. Then, in verse 10, he speaks of “we,” suggesting that Luke, the physician, was also there. In other words, God used medical procedures in addition to supernatural healing to witness to the gospel and His power.

2. finally to Rome (28:11-23)

Paul’s group left the island of Malta. The bow of the ship they boarded was adorned with dioscuroi. In other words, it was a statue of Castor and Porcus, the twin brothers of Zeus in Greek mythology. At the time, they were considered the patron gods of navigation. Luca may have lightly joked that they were also protected by Greek gods. The next day, the ship arrived at Syracuse, Sicily, 150 km north-northeast, and from there sailed 130 km north, finally arriving at Legion, a port on the Strait of Messina, at the southwestern tip of the Italian mainland. The next day they arrived at Poteoli, 320 kilometers to the north, and from there they sailed overland to Rome, a distance of 180 kilometers, or about a week’s journey. And so they finally arrived in Rome.

After three days, Paul called the most important Jewish people together and told them about the Gospel. After the Jewish riots, two years in prison, a storm and many other things, God sends Paul to Rome as promised and immediately begins his missionary work. Like a fish out of water, Paul spoke from morning to night, testifying about the kingdom of God and trying to convince people of Jesus through the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets. Faith does not come by persuasion, but it must have been very powerful.

3. the gospel spoken (28:24-31)

Jesus Christ is also central to the Christian faith. It is not a faith without substance, as in “even the head of a sardine is based on faith. There is something to believe. Therefore, there will be those who “listen carefully to what has been said” (v. 24) and those who do not. And as Jesus’ parable of the sower teaches, the responses will vary. Paul explains that the reality of the Jews who will not believe is that the gospel is for the Gentiles who will listen. For the gospel of God’s grace is not only for the Jews, but for all who will listen.

Thus, in verse 30, Paul not only “went out” to preach the gospel, but also “welcomed all who came to him. In reality, Paul did not have the freedom to go out into the marketplace or synagogue and preach the gospel. However, God sent him people to whom he could share the gospel. In fact, these were the people God wanted Paul to meet. In fact, they included Onesimo, who inspired him to write the letter to Philemon. The important thing is that every person who comes to church, no matter who they are, are people God wants to bring together. They are the ones to whom we should carefully witness the gospel, the gospel of life, with zeal and with the power of persuasion, even though faith is not persuasion. So Luke testifies that Paul spoke freely and fully about the kingdom of God and about Jesus. And Luke also testifies to Theophilus, whom God brought to him with all his words. This is missionary work, facing those whom God has brought to us.


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