【シーズン6】ヘブル人への手紙8章 新しい、第二の契約【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













Hebrews 8: The New and Second Covenant

1. the great High Priest Christ (8:1-7)

In chapter 7, we were told that the old Old Testament method of approaching God by the Levitical priests had been terminated, and that a new method of approaching God had been established by Jesus, the Melchizedek priest. Here it is further emphasized that the method is eternally valid, that is, it is deeply relevant for us today.

In other words, while the priests of Old Testament times served God in the earthly tabernacle, Christ is now in the invisible heavenly tabernacle, serving God (v. 2).

What Jesus accomplished is not only what He did on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins 2,000 years ago. Jesus is still interceding for us in heaven. This conveys a wonderful hope for those of us living today.

If we have believed in God, we should not be troubled, condemned, and dragged down by the failures of the past forever. Of course, the world is often cruel to those who try to live life with new thoughts. There are those who try to drag down those who are trying to move forward with new hope, by reliving past failures or spreading rumors that never happened. But we should be aware that this is the world of sin. We must not let such people corrupt our hearts. Do not listen to the words of those who say things about your life that others cannot possibly understand.

God has already forgotten your past. We have been accepted through the love of Jesus on the cross, and our sins have been forgiven and paid for through His suffering. And Jesus Christ, resurrected and alive forever, is the only true God who stands by our side in heaven. There is nothing to worry about. No matter how you feel, no matter what others do or say, you are valued as a child of God.

2. the nature of the new second covenant (8:8-13)

From verse 8, the nature of the new second covenant that God thus makes with us is explained by quoting the prophecy of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. In other words, although we say that the Old Testament dispensation has been abolished, in fact, it was already foretold in the Old Testament era that it would be followed by a new covenant. Its characteristics are threefold. First, God’s law would be implanted in people’s hearts; second, they would come to know God personally; and finally, God would not remind them of their sins.

2. The Nature of the New Second Covenant (8:8-13)

Beginning in verse 8, the nature of the new second covenant that God thus makes with us is explained by quoting the prophecy of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. In other words, although we say that the Old Testament dispensation has been abolished, in fact, the transition to a new covenant was already foretold in Old Testament times.Its characteristics are threefold. First, God’s law would be implanted in people’s hearts; second, they would come to know God personally; and finally, God would not remind them of their sins.

Let me explain a little more. What does it mean that the law is implanted in the heart? In the former first covenant, the law was written on two tablets of stone. Whenever people saw them, they were reminded of what they had to do, and they did it. But in the second covenant, God’s commandments, the Law, are written directly on the heart.

The crucifixion of Jesus, the second covenant, was indeed a heart-breaking event. The truth that Jesus was cursed by God for us, and that through the suffering of this cross of Jesus, all our sins are forgiven and we are now included in God’s blessing, was literally etched deep into our hearts. It has become something that is never forgotten and something that moves us to action. No longer do we carefully follow the letter of the Ten Commandments to obey God, but we now think, judge, and act with the love of the cross of Jesus in our hearts.

It has given us the opportunity to know God personally and deeply. It also gave us the assurance that we are deeply loved by God, that our sins are completely forgiven, and that God will never remember our sins and will never raise His hand to punish us again. We are loved and cherished by God.

God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.


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