【シーズン6】ユダの手紙 信仰を純粋に保つ【聖書】人生100倍の祝福












The Letter of Jude

1. discerning matters of faith (1:1-17)

 The church needs to make an effort to communicate the faith and at the same time protect the purity of the faith. In other words, those who are the leaders of the church may clearly say that this is right and that is wrong. But often in Japanese society, harmony is valued and things tend to be handled in a way that does not make relationships too tense, rather than being right. It is the same with faith. Faith is about the heart that has faith, and when people say that this is the right kind of faith, it can feel somehow uncomfortable.

 However, in faith, the attitude of the heart is important, but what one directs one’s heart toward, in other words, what one believes in, is also important. There is a saying, “Sincerity is the key to heaven. It means that if you act with all sincerity of heart, one day you will surely be accepted by heaven. Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be times when people will say, “This is different from what it really is.

 The church to which Judas wrote this letter also needed to have its faith turned in the right direction in this sense. They were under the influence of false teachers who had crept in secretly, as verse 4 says. They were those who “turned the grace of God into licentiousness and denied Jesus Christ, the only Ruler and our Lord. First of all, Christianity is a religion of grace and forgiveness. Because Jesus died on the cross in our place, all our sins are forgiven and we are made children of God. Christians call it being saved. In other words, it is a start, not a goal. From there, we live a new life. But this was not the case with the false teachers. He lived his life of faith as if he did not care about the rest because he was saved. They mistook grace for indulgence. In this way, they trampled on the sacrifice of Jesus’ precious life on the cross. After all, they were the ones who made Jesus the forgiveness of sins on the cross in vain, the ones who denied that Jesus was the Savior. God will not leave such false teachers alone. He will surely judge them.

2. maintaining the purity of faith (1:18-25)

 Next, Jude tells us how we should keep our faith pure.

First, he says to beware of such wrong faith, which behaves according to ungodly desires, because it is easy to happen (vv. 17-19). Christians are all different in their beliefs. Some Christians are funny, but others are not. Jude says to use discernment to recognize those who are living a genuine faith.

 Secondly, we must firmly nurture our own faith (20, 21). Once you have faith, that is the beginning. We must polish our faith, which is like a rough stone, and make it shine beautifully. In this case, it is not how well you live compared to others, but how much your faith has progressed now compared to where you were a year ago.

 Third, we should be able to think not only of ourselves but also of others (22, 23). It is about helping other people of faith grow. And not in a nosy, intrusive way, but in a way that is natural and sincerely appreciated by the one being helped. The important thing to remember is that growth in faith is not something that is achieved by our efforts. It is achieved only with God’s mercy and God’s grace. God’s graciousness means that no matter how many times we walk contrary to his will, he does not give up on us, but helps us. It is precisely because we know His deep love for us that we are willing to take the opportunity of His grace and challenge ourselves in our difficult walk of faith.

God’s Word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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