【シーズン6】ローマ人への手紙6章 バプテスマと新しい人生【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

1. 死を出発点とする(6:1-11)









Romans 6: Baptism and New Life

1. Death as the Starting Point (6:1-11)

So far, Paul has said that man does not receive God’s favor by doing good deeds, but only by believing that the cross of Jesus is an important sacrifice that reconciles him to God. But there are several objections to such a view. Paul will now take up the possible objections and carefully answer them.

The first objection is the idea that salvation is by God’s grace. If God is merciful, he says, why not just accept people as they are without having to crucify Jesus? Furthermore, if people sin and repent, they will receive God’s grace of forgiveness, and the more they sin, the more God’s mercy will be revealed (v. 1). This must have been a common objection thrown at Christians in those days.

Paul responds carefully. The important thing is the significance of what Christ has done. Christ’s sacrifice is a unique sacrifice. By believing in and accepting that sacrifice for himself, the Christian has shared in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.

Remember the earlier example of Abraham. When he was not an “old man” but a “dead man” in his reproductive capacity, a miracle of God’s grace occurred and Abraham was endowed with reproductive life. To say that we are sinners is to say more than that we are fallen as human beings; it is to say that we are finished and dead. God’s mercy was shown to us and we were given a new human life. The starting point was death, from which Jesus led us to the resurrection, and we stepped out into a new life. It is not a matter of improving one’s past life, nor is it a matter of repentance and acceptance or repeating such repentance. It is a matter of understanding the fact that we were finished as human beings, that we were dead, and that we have come to life from there.

In fact, the rite of baptism, well, it is also called baptism, that you go through when you become a Christian is like a funeral. You have said goodbye to your old self (v. 3). From there, a life of resurrection life began (v. 4). Furthermore, it is like being married, verse 5, to be united to Christ, to have a relationship that will overcome any hardship together. When we believe in Christ, we no longer have to deal with sin, but can only live a new life (v. 7).

2. To live a new life (6:12-23)

This is what Paul says. Then Paul says, “Give your hands and feet, which until now have been instruments of wickedness, as instruments of righteousness. If your hands have been stealing from others, make them hands that give alms. If your mouth has spoken evil of others, make it a mouth that defends honor and encourages others. If your ears have preferred the gossip of men, let them prefer the Word of God. Your starting point is death, and since your starting point is resurrection life, you are to be set free from a life of sin.

From verse 15 on, Paul explains this further with the parable of the slaves. The Christian is no longer a slave to sin. If you think of him as a slave, he says, he is now a slave under a new master, Christ. And I want you to think, what was life like when you were a slave to sin? It must have been such a shameful life that you really wanted to get in if there was a hole. The life of a slave of sin is destruction. But the life of a slave of God is a life of holiness, a life of new dignity, and beyond that is eternal life and the blessings of the kingdom of God. To live life on the theme of new life, that is what a Christian is.


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