Acts 13: The Beginning of the Mission of the Church of Antioch
1. Worship in the Church of Antioch (13:1-3)
Antioch is important in many ways in the history of the early church. One of the first administrators of the Jerusalem church was a convert from that city (Ac 6:5). It was also the first city where a church was established outside of Jerusalem. It was also the city where Jesus’ followers were called Christians (Ac 11:19-26), and the first missionary team recorded in the Bible was sent from here. It was also the church that inspired the first public conference on theological issues to be held in Jerusalem (Ac 15).
The church that was the starting point of all beginnings from which we can learn more about its work is the record of the missionary journeys that furthered the vision of Jesus. It began with the worship of that church. For this church, worship was about focusing on the will of God, letting the Holy Spirit speak to them, and in response, consecrating and sending out the missionaries Barnabas and Paul. I want to reflect on whether or not we come to worship each week with that kind of attitude. For the church in Antioch, worship was a place where God’s vision was shared, decisions were made, and action was taken.
2. The Dispensation of the Church of Antioch (13:4-12)
In verse 4, they first went to the island of Cyprus, the home of Barnabas. Cyprus means copper. There was a lot of copper mined there, and it was also called the island of happiness. It was an island where you could find any resource that would create a happy life. Therefore, Cyprus was conquered by various countries such as Egypt, Phoenicia, Assyria, Persia, Greece, and Rome, and various idols, which could be called the heritage of each country, took root in the land.
In verse 6, Papos landed at the western end of the island, that is, they landed from the eastern side and went around the island, and as they were leaving the island, they met a man named Elima, a sorcerer. He opposed Paul and tried to prevent Sergio Paulus, the governor, from listening to Paul’s words and coming to faith. Paul confronted the man directly and demonstrated the power of God to blind the man for a while. This is another demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit in evangelism. However, it was an evangelism that revealed what true faith was like, which was different from the idolatrous faith that abounded in Papos.
3. Mark’s departure (13:13-15)
Now the missionary team leaves the island and travels to Perga in Pamphylia, on the northern coast of modern Turkey. There John Mark left the team (v.13). There are several theories as to why. One theory is that after the confrontation with Elima the sorcerer, leadership shifted from Barnabas to Paul, and John, who was related to Barnabas, could not keep up with the situation. Another theory is that malaria was prevalent in the coastal region of Perga at the time, and Paul actually contracted the disease and went to Antioch in Pisidia (highlands) to recover from his illness, but was unable to endure the hardships of such a mission. There is a later story about Mark that we will discuss later, but the missionary work continues.
4. Paul’s Sermon (13:16-52)
Beginning with verse 16 we have Paul’s first sermon. It was a three-point discourse: the history of Israel (vv. 16-23), the ministry of Jesus (vv. 24-30), and salvation by faith (vv. 31-41). In other words, Jesus came as the promised Messiah, the descendant of David, and His life was the fulfillment of that prophecy, which we are encouraged to accept by faith. It carefully speaks of the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Jesus to Gentiles who know nothing of the Bible or of Jesus (v. 39). This is a very different approach from the earlier epistles. Paul spoke plainly, appealed to people’s reason, and forced them to make a decision. Faith has power, but it also has content that is worth believing. I wish you a good day today.