【シーズン6】テサロニケ人への手紙第二1章 確かに神は生きておられる【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













2 Thessalonians 1 Surely God is alive

1. The Background of the Letter and Paul’s Thanksgiving (1:1-5)

Today we will begin to read together the second letter to the Thessalonians.

Paul had to leave Thessalonica in a hurry when hostile Jews interfered with his mission. He was only there for three weeks (Ac 17:3). It was very painful to leave the newborn church in the midst of persecution and difficulty (1 Thessalonians 2:18). However, protected by God’s grace, the church continued its work (1 Thessalonians 3:2-3). Knowing this, Paul wrote to them with gratitude and joy (1 Thessalonians 3:6-7). Shortly thereafter, Paul wrote a second letter with new information. Paul wrote his second letter because of new misunderstandings about the Lord’s return and the end of days, which he had written about in his first letter. He was also facing greater persecution.

2 The Love of the Thessalonian Church

So Paul first thanked them for the visible growth in their faith. Their love was finally being richly expressed in their love for one another (v. 3). Their growth in faith was affirmed by the warmth of their fellowship.

Trials often reveal the true nature of the church. As in the case of the recent spread of the Corona infection, the true picture of the church is revealed when it is subjected not only to persecution, but also to trials of conflict, as was the case with the church in Corinth. In such a situation, the church often becomes thin as one person leaves, and then another, and so on, like the missing teeth of a comb. The Thessalonian Church, however, was a praiseworthy group of believers in this regard. They were like a seed sown on good soil, as Jesus said in the parable, firmly attached to God and united to defend God’s church. They were a sure sign of God’s presence and of His righteous judgment (v. 5).

3. The Certainty of God’s Judgment (1:6-12)

Paul then begins to speak boldly of his own assurance. God “will give affliction as a reward to those who afflict you, and rest as a reward to you who are afflicted” (vv. 6, 7). Often people do not believe in God’s judgment. But God is a living person. He is love (1 John 4:8), light (1 John 1:5), and righteousness (1 John 1:5). God is the one who does what is right. Paul makes it clear that those who do not repent before God and continue to do evil will be punished with eternal destruction (v. 9). Since Christ’s salvation is the forgiveness of sins, it is clear that if we reject it, we are lost forever.

He also says that the risen Lord Jesus will surely return in a visible form. Jesus’ first coming to earth was to bring salvation to all mankind, and His second coming will be for the completion of that salvation, that is, to carry out God’s judgment.

So in verse 11 Paul prays. May God make the Thessalonians more and more worthy of His calling, and may the work that comes from faith continue.

Indeed, without God’s power, the work of the church would not go forward. The work of the early church was greatly advanced by true converts like Paul who met the risen Jesus and were transformed from adversaries into faithful workers of God. This was due to the fruit of the prayers of the early church. Today, for the spread of the gospel in Japan, the prayer of believers must be valued above all. Let us pray together for the grace of the Lord Jesus.

The word of God is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.