人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書12章 ユダとエフライムへの宣告












Chapter 12: Judah’s Sentence to Ephraim

1. tending the wind

Verse 1 says, “Ephraim keeps the wind; he follows the east wind all day long. The wind is a symbol of emptiness. The east wind is called the sirocco wind, which blows from the Arabian desert and withers crops, a symbol of doom. The earlier New Common Translation translates, “Ephraim became the shepherd of the wind.” I think it was translated that way because of the breadth of meaning that the Hebrew word lowe has, but it gives a more pictorial image. When you go to Israel, you will see shepherds grazing. In that way, the image of the shepherd is surrounded not by sheep but by emptiness and destruction. Israel seems to have tamed Assyria and Egypt, but in fact is betrayed and destroyed by them (2 Kings 17:1-6). What is important is whether or not we live our lives with our eyes fixed on God, who decides how things will turn out.

2. Jacob, the wind-breeder

 Hosea reminds the Israelites of Jacob’s familiar way of life (v. 2). Jacob was a greedy character who tried to push himself past others. But because of this, he would make a huge mistake. Ultimately, he is faced with the reality that he can’t stick it out and live any longer, that he can’t go a step further unless God takes pity on him, protects him, and helps him. What is probably important is that Jacob there “wept and implored this” (v. 4).

Often we remember our ungovernable nature and think that we must get rid of it because it brings disaster in our lives. However, this is not an easy thing to do, because it is a nature that has been cultivated over many years. Rather, we should honestly acknowledge the reality that this is impossible and look up to the heavens and say, “If I were to change, I would have to receive mercy from the Lord of creation” (v. 6). Therefore, O God, allow me to live like this. I pray that you will change me. Even if I feel like a broken piece of iron that must be thrown away, like Jacob, “I will not let you leave me. You must bless me” (v. 6).

3. not to stay.

In verse 7, when Israel was rich and prosperous, they became deceitful (v. 7) and oppressed the poor. They justified it (v. 8). At that time, wealth was considered a symbol of God’s blessing, so they would say that a person blessed by God is a righteous person. But that would not be so. Money may fool the eyes of men, but it cannot fool the eyes of God.

God warns the Northern Kingdom of Israel, which has been sitting on God’s blessings, and encourages the Southern Kingdom of Judah not to follow suit. There is indeed a better way of life to follow. The example of the two fugitives Jacob and Moses is given. Jacob, who lived only to fulfill his own desire, is contrasted with Moses, who lived on God’s mission to liberate Israel. Not like Jacob, who “wept and prayed” at the end, but like Moses, whose “prophet like Moses never happened again to Israel.

There are different ways to live as Christians. We may be seen as the same fugitives and losers, but we are different on the inside. People judge by looking at the top, but the Lord sees the heart. The life of walking before the Lord, who sees the heart, is the life of victory. A life lived truthfully before God will eventually bear witness to its certainty. Let us follow God. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Where are Adhemah and Zeboiim geographically located? (1) Along the Jordan River, (2) North of the Dead Sea, (3) South of the Dead Sea. The answer was (3) the southern end of the Dead Sea. It is believed to have been located in the southern part of the Dead Sea, the town where Sodom and Gomorrah were both destroyed when they were judged by God. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Where is the place where Jacob is said to have wrestled with God on his way back home? (1) Shechem, (2) Penuel, and (3) Bethel. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.