【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録13章 二匹の獣【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

ヨハネの黙示録13章 二匹の獣
Revelation 13: The Two Beasts

  1. the beast from the sea (13:1-10)
    In chapter 13 we see a new beast. The beast from the sea and the beast from the earth. As it turns out, they are collaborators with the red dragon.
    Let us first look at the beast from the sea. It has an uncanny appearance. The Greek for the crown the beast wears is diadema, which means throne; in 12:3 it is seven crowns. Here it is ten crowns. For the Jews, both seven and ten are perfect numbers, so one theory is that it is a generic number for all rulers. The beast is also compared to a leopard, a bear, and a lion. The leopard is a wild and swift beast, the bear is a powerful and destructive beast, and the lion is a threatening beast, so through the imagery of these ferocious beasts, we can speak of the overwhelming power of the ruler of the earth.
    This beast is given authority by Satan to defile God, persecute Christians, and exercise dominion over the entire earth.
    There are various theories on how to understand this beast from the sea. In the context of Jewish tradition or Old Testament symbolism, which I mentioned yesterday, it is connected to the first vision in the book of Daniel (chapter 7). In Daniel, the four beasts that came up out of the sea specifically symbolized Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome and imperialistic rule. John combines them into one beast, symbolizing all the arrogant political powers on earth, past and future.
    But their arrogance is also, verse 5, “for forty-two months. This is the same 42 months that the Gentiles trample on in chapter 11, or the 1,260 days that the two witnesses testify to. In other words, the time period is limited. And verse 8, “dwell on the earth,” refers to those who live according to worldly values rather than living on the earth. It seems that all such people would worship the beast, that is, they would be deceived. You may wonder if such a thing is possible. However, we should remember that the Japanese people lived through such a time.
  2. the beast from the earth (13:11-18)
    Next, in verse 11, a beast from the earth appears as the collaborator of the sea beast, and in verse 12, this beast from the earth makes an image of the sea beast and makes people worship him. He makes them kill all those who do not worship him. In verse 17, he gives the people a license to serve the beast of the sea and, in turn, the dragon (Satan) who gave power to the beast of the sea, while taking away their freedom to buy and sell and their right to live. In other words, they are the people who support the ruling political system.
    If you think about it, the Showa period of World War II was such an era. The Japanese invaded Asian countries and forced their conquerors to worship at Miyagi Shrine. To this end, Christian pastors were mobilized to force Koreans and Filipinos to worship the emperor as their god. Pastor Keizo Tsuji of the church my grandfather and grandmother attended was tortured and killed in Aomori Prison for refusing to worship the Emperor as God instead of cooperating with the many other pastors of the time. It is not impossible.
    The number “666” in verse 18 is said to be a numerical representation of the Hebrew name of the emperor Nero, and if the Jewish perfect number is 7, then 6 means an imperfect power of dominion.
  3. what the drama of chapter 13 tells us
    So, in chapters 12-13 we have four characters: the great red dragon = Satan, the woman and child = the Christian Church, the beast from the sea = political power, and the beast from the earth = those who support the ruling political system (the religious people). So let us look back again to see what drama is unfolding.
    It began in heaven when the red dragon (Satan) lost his battle with God and was cast down to earth. After being cast down, Satan went on a violent rampage on earth to avenge his grudge. In doing so, he enlists the political powers on earth and those who support that system to oppose God and destroy those who follow God. But their power seems immense, and their days are limited to 42 months.
    What on earth was John trying to say with this drama? What is important is how the original leaders of the day read it. In other words, we read it with the knowledgeable assumptions of the Jews. The key to solving the mystery is that we find the same beast as in the book of Daniel. You also have to realize that the same drama is unfolding. And to remember what the message of Daniel was in the first place.
    Chapters 8 and 9 have already used Old Testament exodus imagery to comfort us that a new exodus is about to begin; chapters 10 and 11 have used Old Testament prophets like Ezekiel and Jeremiah to tell us to bear witness when we should bear witness. Chapters 12 and 13 use the imagery of the Old Testament book of Daniel to remind us how Daniel and his followers responded to this persecution. Daniel and his friends spent their time as usual in the midst of this persecution, thanking God and praying.
    John says, “The patience and faith of the saints are necessary” (v. 10). In the midst of apocalyptic difficulties, Christians are to live quietly, praying, thanking, and trusting God as always, without letting their hearts be troubled.
    God’s word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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