【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録5章 三位一体の神への賛美【聖書】人生100倍の祝福







2. 礼拝される御子キリスト(5:6-14)







1. the scroll episode (5:1-5)

Chapter 5 is a continuation of chapter 4, describing the events in heaven. When John ascended to heaven, he found God at the center. He is told that there were truly humble people who worshiped God and did not boast of their own accomplishments or victories.

What John then witnesses and tells us is that there was a “scroll” in the right hand of the One who sat on the throne (v. 1). The scroll was sealed and no one could open it.

Scrolls of this period were made of papyrus paper, a long piece of paper about 25 cm long and 20 cm wide, bound together. Usually, the scroll was written on one side and the contents were completely invisible. This scroll, however, has words written on both the inside and the outside. This must have been a very long document.

What is remarkable is that some of the contents are visible. It is said to contain the apocalyptic events described in chapters 6 and beyond, and it is a device that makes us want to see the contents. However, it is tightly sealed in seven places and cannot be opened (verse 3). John cries out, “Oh, my God, I want to know, but I can’t!

Then the elders there tell him that the seal cannot be broken by man, but by the root of David, the lion of the tribe of Judah. Genesis says, “Judah is the son of the lion, and the kingdom shall not depart from Judah” (49:9). From the descendants of Judah came King David, and from the descendants of King David came Jesus Christ. In the light of the history of the Jewish people, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, is none other than Jesus Christ. In other words, it is Jesus Christ who can break this seal! That is why we are here. Only Jesus, the true Son of God, and not man, can speak about the end of the world. 2.

2. the Christ worshiped by the Son (5:6-14)

 So John focuses on Jesus receiving the scroll from God. Then another image of Jesus appears. Before, the image was “the lion from the tribe of Judah, the root of David,” the image of a victor. Now it becomes the image of a martyr, as in verse 6, “a lamb in the form of a slain. It is like flipping two sides of a coin: one side is the victor and the other side is the martyr, the risen and victorious warrior Jesus and the sacrificed lamb Jesus on the cross.

 And this Jesus is worshipped. What is remarkable is what the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders who were there are holding in their hands. Before, they had the crown of victory on their heads. Now they are holding a lyre and a golden bowl. The lyre is for praising God. But what is the golden bowl filled with incense? It is explained that it is the prayers of the saints. It is a kind of inspirational place.

 Faithful Christians have accumulated prayers for the salvation of the world and people. Even when people say, “What’s the use of praying?” or when the prayer meeting is neglected, faithful Christians have quietly gathered in the church every week and every morning to pray for each other. And to their surprise, their prayers were stored in a golden bowl! Prayer rises to heaven like incense. It did not just vanish into thin air along the way. Every single one of them was collected in the “golden bowl” that had been prepared!

 In any case, Jesus the Lamb is being worshiped. It was a fitting act for Jesus who had redeemed so many souls with the sacrifice of the cross. Countless messengers and all created beings join in this worship, a grand spectacle of worship to the Triune God, God the Father in chapter 4 and God the Son with the Spirit in chapter 5.  

John’s readers of that time would have been reminded of another great reign that superseded the reign of Rome. The readers of the beleaguered church in Smyrna could not help but be impressed that their prayers had not been in vain. Some of the readers of the church in Pergamon must have been renewed in their resolve to break away from compromise and to stand before the Lord. Death is not the end.

 God’s word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.


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