【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マタイの福音書11章 イエスに対する反応










Matthew 11 Reactions to Jesus

1. the response of John the Baptist (vv. 1-15)

Jesus sent His disciples to demonstrate His authority as the Son of God and to bring awareness to the Jewish people’s life of faith with that authority, and from chapter 11 to the event of Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus in chapter 16 (vv. 13-20), we are told of the reactions of various people.

First, in the first half of chapter 11, John the Baptist’s reaction is recorded. At this time he was confined in the prison of Macerus, which was east of the Dead Sea. This was because of his blatant criticism of the marriage and various evils of the national leader Herod Antipas. He sent his own disciple to Jesus, and in verse 3, John said, “Is it you who is supposed to come forth? Or should we wait for someone else? John seems to be puzzled. He seems to be worried that Jesus, whom he thought was the promised Messiah, might not be the promised Messiah. Jesus answered John and said, “What is going on? Jesus replied to John, “Look at what is happening and what is being said. Indeed, it is so. I say this to those who have a desire to seek. When you read the Bible, whether you are an unbeliever or a believer, including those who are believers but still have a desire to seek, I want you to understand what Jesus did, what he said, and what he wants you to value through them.

Jesus began to tell the crowd about John. He says that he is that very Elijah who came, prophesied in Malachi 3:1 (v. 14). He was indeed a prophet who played an important role in God’s plan of salvation (v. 11). Jesus cared about John’s ministry. Jesus worked in unison for God’s plan of salvation, following John’s ministry.

2. reaction of the crowd (vv. 16-29)

From the following verse 16, we are told of the reaction of the people to Jesus and John. Corazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum were very affluent towns at the time, with magnificent synagogues. However, the people of those towns did not take the words of Jesus and John seriously. They were like those children in the town square who were so difficult to deal with. Jesus tells them that those who refuse to take the words of God’s messenger seriously will face God’s judgment.

Only, verse 25, some of them listened carefully, understood well, and accepted what Jesus said. They are not likened to the “wise or clever,” but to “little children. In other words, those who understand understand, but it has nothing to do with being learned or unlearned.

In verse 27, Jesus again mentions His authority. The Jews of that time would speak of their heavenly Father as “our Father,” but never as “my Father.” Jesus is asserting His authority as the Son of God, and furthermore, He is identifying Himself and God as fellow citizens. How do you respond to this?

In verses 28-30, Jesus speaks to you as well. ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Learn from me, and you will find rest for your souls. These words of Jesus are said to be taken from the book of Ben-Sira (51:23-27, 6:24-31), an Old Testament exegetical text. Jesus uses this passage, which was popular at the time, to say that the reason He asserts His authority is so that the souls of those who follow Him may rest. In other words, he says that, given the context of the time, faith is to be a joy to you. The purpose was for those who were lost, in pain, and weary by faith to be released and relieved. If you have faith, have faith that is truly joyful and full of life. I pray that you have a good day today.


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